初中作文 我的梦想 我的梦想初中英语作文80词



I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want.

Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself.

I know that my dream will not come true.However, I think it is lucky that I am young now.

So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.

初中作文 我的梦想 我的梦想初中英语作文80词


Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a famous doctor in the future. I like to help patients and let them healthy.

The doctor's work will be busy but interesting. My teacher said I was good at biology.

But I still nees to improve my English, too, then I can read medical knowledges in English.So the patients from all over the world can get my helps.


My dream is to become a doctorEver since I was little, I've had a secret desire inside of me that I've been almost ashamed of: I want to be a doctor.

I don't know why, and I've always known it's ridiculous, since my worst subjects are math and science.

I'm not altogether terrible at them, but I'm more of a literature person.I'm also pretty lazy, which makes me think there's no way I could survive medical school.

Should I make myself stop? Is there any chance of me being somethign I've always wanted to be?


Every one has a dream. I have a dream, too. I have a dream that one day I could become a math teacher.

I love math very much, because I think math is quite useful. It's useful when people are buying things.

It's useful when students are learning subjects like physics and chemitry. And it's useful when scientists are doing experiments.

Teachers can not only help students to learn things but also teach the students to apply what they learn into practice.Therefore, I hope to be a math teacher in the future.I want to help more students learn math.


I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very much to be a doctor.

I want to be a doctor because doctors can cure patients and thus make people healthy and happy.

Doctors can offer their help to the poor people so that more people can get medical help.

If I were a doctor, the more patients I cured, the happier I will feel. That is the very reason I want to become a doctor.

I will study hard so that my dream can come true in the future.








爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/238661/837441773.html


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