
Educational Background -- Academic Records

I: Did you get a good record in English?

C: Yes, I obtained 92 marks in English.

I: Which band did you pass in College English Test?

C: I passed Band Four in College English Test.

1$ How is your score in chemistry?


C It is 88 points.

I: How were your scores at college?

C: They were all excellent.(They were all above average.)

I: How are your grades at college.

C: They are above average B.

I: What scores did you get at college?

C: I got an average of 90 points.

I: In what subject did you get the highest marks.

C: In macroeconomics.

I: In what subject did you get the lowest marks?

C: In calculus. Only 78 marks.

I: What was your best subject at college?

C: English was my best subject. I liked it very much. Besides, I was aware of the importance of learning Englisli well. Nowadays every enterprise would prefer to hire a man who has a good command of English. So I worked hard at college on English.

I: What was your worst subject?

C: Well, that might be mathematics. There were so many for-mulas in mathematics class that they were hard for me toremember.


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