Nick: Hey Judy how was English class?
Judy: Hey Nick. It was a good class today I enjoyed it.
Nick: What's your class reading right now?
Judy: We're reading a book called Treasure island.
Nick: How is it? I haven't read it yet.
Judy: It's really exciting.
Alan: Sandy, have you finished the reader yet?
Sandy: What reader, Alan?
Alan: Robinson Crusoe. Ms. Butler told us to finish it this week, remember?
Sandy: Oh, no! I've not read it yet.
Alan: Well, I just finished reading it last night.
Sandy: How is it? Is it boring?
Alan: No, I love it. It's wonderful.
Kate: Have you read Little Women yet, Hurry?
Harry: No, I haven't. Have you, Kate?

Kate: Yes. I've already read it.
Harry: What's it like?
Kate: It's fantastic.
Harry: Can I borrow it from you?
Kate: Sure.
Tina: Hi, Mark.
Mark: Hey there, Tina. What's up?
Tina: I'm reading this fantastic book.
Mark: What is it?
Tina: Treasure Island. Have you read it yet?
Mark: No, I haven't. What's it about?
Tina: It's about this boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. What are you reading right now?
Mark: I've just finished Oliver Twist and Robinson Crusoe.
Tina: Oh, yeah. I've already read both of them. They're classics. We had to study Robinson Crusoe last term.
Mark: So what are you studying this term?
Tina: Tom Sawyer. It's a story about a boy who lives in the United States. Many exciting things happen to him.
Mark: Sounds interesting. I’ll have to read it.
Dave: What are you listening to, Alex? The song sounds really good.
Alex: Hey Dave!I'm listening to a band called “The Toms”. Have you heard of them yet?
Dave: No, I haven't. Are they a new band?
Alex: Yes, they only started singing earlier this year. But they've already made two CDs.
Dave: Wow, they must be really popular. Where are they from?
Alex: They're from California, in the United States. There are five people in the band and they're all teenage boys.
Dave: I guess what they're playing is pop music, right?
Alex: Yes, but it sounds more like rock. I like their music because it's loud and full of energy I feel excited when I listen to it.
Dave: Me, too. I think if I listen to their music every morning, it will wake me up and make me happy for the rest of the day!
Alex: Do you want to borrow my CD then?
Dave: Sure, thanks!That’d be great!