英语经典阅读 经典英语小诗阅读



My love is like the grasses

Hidden in the deep mountains.

Though its abundance increase,

There is none that knows.




I have been sleeping all alone,

You have been staring in my dreams.

I want to kiss you,my baby,

I want to kiss you tonight.






My love,

You are like a flower,

So sweet and pure and fair.




I just can't believe

the loveliness of loving you.

I just can't believe

the one to love this feeling,too.

I now know how sweet a kiss could be.

Like the summer sunshine,

Your sweetness over me.




英语经典阅读 经典英语小诗阅读




Sometimes the day comes When you try your level best To achieve something But you fail.

有那么一天 你使尽浑身解数 想要做成某事 却偏偏功败垂成。

Sometimes the day comes When nobody understands you And you feel that you are isolatedFrom the world.

有那么一天 没人能够理解你 你觉得自己 被全世界孤立。

Sometimes the day comes When you want to help the needy But find yourself unable toBecause of some reasons.

有那么一天 没人能够理解你 你觉得自己 被全世界孤立。

Sometimes the day comes When you are hungry and have a few bucks But you see the childlaborers and buy food for them.

有那么一天 你饥饿难耐,身上只有几块钱 但你见到一些童工,为他们买了食物。

Sometimes the day comes When Mom comes up with one answer And Father with another Andyou have to make your own decision.

有那么一天 妈妈给出一种回答 爸爸给出另一种回答 你不得不自己做决定。

Sometimes the day comes When you see that some people ditch others Because of theirselfishness.

有那么一某天 你见到某些人舍弃他人 只因为他们自私自利。

Sometimes the day comes when you want to tell something to your parents but find yourselfunable to because you think that they might get hurt or misunderstand you.

有那么一天 你想向父母倾诉 却发现自己有口难言 因为你认为他们也许会受到伤害 或产生误解。

Sometimes the day comes When your friends drift apart Not because you were not able tounderstand them But because they were not able to understand you.

有那么一天 你的朋友渐渐疏离 并非因为你无法理解他们 而是因为他们无法理解你。

Sometimes the day comes When you want to smile But can't find a place to even weep.

有那么一天 你想微笑 却甚至找不到地方流泪。

Sometimes the day comes When your beloved can't understand your feelings And leaves youalone And you look down and feel ashamed or embarrassed.

有那么一天 你的挚爱无法理解你的感受 离你而去 你低下头,感到羞愧或尴尬。

But sometimes the day comes When you learn from all your failures and think— "Those whodare to fail greatly can achieve greatly."

但有那么一天 你从所有失败中汲取教训,心想—— “只有敢于经受重大挫折的人才能获得伟大的成就。”

Don't look down, look up.



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