如何轻松愉快改善工作 如何让工作变得更愉快


1. Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feelrelieved, your work space is too bright.


2. Sit up straight with your shoulders down — every time I adjust my sitting position, Iinstantly feel more energetic and cheerier.


3. Get a phone headset. I resisted for a long time, because it looks so preposterous, but it'sreally much more comfortable. Also, it lets me pace while I talk on the phone, which also lookspreposterous, but is energizing.


4. Don't keep candy on your desk. Studies show that people are much more likely to snackwhen a treat is within easy reach, and a handful of M&Ms each day could mean a weightgain of five pounds by year's end.


5. Never say "yes" on the phone; instead, say, "I'll get back to you." When you're actuallyspeaking to someone, the desire to be accommodating is very strong, and can lead you to say"yes" without enough consideration. Along the same lines...


6. When deciding whether to say "yes", imagine that you're accepting a job that you'll have todo next week. Don't agree to something just because it seems so far off that it doesn't seemonerous.


7. Don't let yourself get too hungry. The Big Man goes without eating for hours and hours at atime, so once, trying to be helpful, I bought him a big bag of granola to keep in his desk. Heate the whole bag in one day and ended up sick as a dog. Lesson: eat regularly.


8. Take care of difficult calls, tasks, or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating makes themharder; getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy.


9. If you're feeling overwhelmed, think hard about how you spend your time. Be honest. Howmuch time do you spend surfing the internet, looking for things you've misplaced, or doing atask that's really someone else's job? Also...

如何轻松愉快改善工作 如何让工作变得更愉快


10. Let yourself stay ignorant of things you don't need to know.


11. Go outside at least once a day, and if possible, take a walk. The sunlight and activity is goodfor your focus, mood, and retention of information.


12. Say "Good morning" to everyone. Social contact is cheering, and if you feel that you're ongood terms with all the people in your office, you'll be happier each day. Also, it's polite.



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