农文化的英文单词 班队的英文单词




class meeting



We will find out when the class meeting will take place.


We hold our class meeting every week.


You should discuss with your teacher about the class meeting.


That is how to design the subject class wide meeting programs?


The monitor is thinking about calling a class meeting.


We have a class meeting once a week.


农文化的英文单词 班队的英文单词

We will hold a class meeting to discuss this matter.


There will be a class meeting this afternoon.


Do you have a class meeting every other week?



Perhaps we will be late for work.

This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby 该研习班会帮助格里姆斯比的失业青年。

Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness 各种健身班会照顾到不同身体状况的人。

Last one week we holding to class meeting 上一周我们开班会

It means I'll be late for work but what the heck! 那意味着我上班会迟到,不过管它呢!

They can't come to our class meeting the after tomorrow 后天他们不能来参加我门的班会了

Today, after the english lesson we have had a short class meeting 今天, 英语课结束后, 我们班开了一个简短的班会

He suggested discussing the problem at the class meeting 他建议在班会上讨论这个问题

Eg: We elected him monitor at the class meeting yesterday 例句: 我们昨天在班会上选举他为班长

After all of the students arrived here, the class meeting began 等所有学生到了之后, 班会开始了

The monitor is thinking about calling a class meeting 班长正在考虑开一次班会的问题

Who do you think the class may select as their monitor? 你认为他们班会选谁当班长?

The problem will be further discussed at the class meeting 这个问题在班会上还将进一步讨论

They can draw some conclusions from our class meeting 他们能从我们的班会中得出一些结论

Maybe the next workshop will have the answer, maybe that new technique (你认为下一次训练班会有(你的)答案--(有)那个新技巧

Well I can't say He said he'd be home late from work 我说不好 他说下班会很晚回家

With this slow traffic, I'm going to be late for my work 以这种缓慢的交通流速, 我上班会迟到

They will have a class meeting next Tuesday 他们下周二将举行班会

This afternoon, we had a class meeting 今天下午, 我们开了一个班会

The class meeting broke up 班会散了

They class meeting every Monday 他们每个星期一开班会


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