经典英语小故事 关于经典的英语故事带翻译



One winter Eric had very little money. His crops had been very bad that year, and his living standard became very low. He thought it would get better after the winter filled with bitter hardships. He gave his donkey less grain, and when after two days the donkey looked just the same. He said to himself, “The donkey was used to eating a lot. Now he is quickly getting used to eating less. And soon, he will get used to living on almost nothing.”


Each day Eric gave the donkey a little less food until it hardly ate anything.


Then one foggy morning, when the donkey went swinging to market with a load of branches on its back, it suddenly died. “How unlucky I am!” said Eric, “just when my donkey had got used to eating hardly anything, it came to the end of its days in this world.”



Bob's wife was very ill and at last she died on the trolley before a lung operation. After a fewmonths, Bob married again. His new wife was a widow.


Exactly seven days after he married her, she had a boy.


Bob at once hurried away to the bookshop and bought some pencils, some children'stextbooks, a rubber and a sharpener. Then he hurried back home again with these things andput them beside the baby.


His new wife was very surprised. “What are you doing?” she asked. “The baby won't be able touse those things for a long time. Why are you in such a hurry?”

经典英语小故事 关于经典的英语故事带翻译


Bob answered, “you're quite wrong, my dear. Our baby is not an ordinary baby. It came inseven days instead of nine months. So it will certainly be ready to learn to read and write in afew weeks from now.”



My niece, a kindergarten teacher, was suffering from food-poisoning. After she got a littlebetter, she went to kindergarten in a peach scarf.


One of her pupils said to her, “Ma’am, when I dumped the litter, I found a bird built its nest inthe maple outside the classroom.”


“What kind of bird?” my niece asked.


“I didn’t see the bird, ma’am, only the nest.” replied the child.


“Then, can you give us a description of the nest?” My niece encouraged her.


“Well, ma’am, it just resembles your matted hair,” the child burst out.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/240661/713305591.html


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