my trip英语作文 有关my trip的小学英语作文

旅行,是一件有意义的事情。大家不妨以my trip为题写一篇英语作文,分享你的旅行。以下是小编为大家整理的,有关my trip的小学英语作文,希望大家喜欢。

my trip的小学英语作文一

Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.I took a trip to the zoo.I went there by bus.I got there at 8:30 in the morning.

There were many people in the zoo.

Some people watched the monkeys,some watched the elephants,others watched the tigers.

I saw many animals and took many photos.What a happy trip!

my trip的小学英语作文二

l went to Mount Tai last week.l climed Mout Tai with my best friends ang my family.We took the bus to Mount Tai.

Mount Tai was very beatiful. And visitors were very happy.

We had a picnic and took photos. We felt tired but happy. my trip was so good.

my trip的小学英语作文三

Last summer holiday I went to Paris with my parents by plane. First we visited the Arc and Triomphe, and we took many photos. Then we went to the Notre Dame, which is very wonderful. We saw a lot of interesting things. Finally we came to the Eiffel tower, and there were so many people, but they were all friendly. After that we sat on the grass, looking at the view. We felt very happy.

my trip的小学英语作文四

Swatow City is the place that I most want to visit ,and I have looked forward to it long before.

Last weekend I went to Swatow City with my friend.After we settled in a hotel,we went to the beach.I heard that the sea around Swatow City is very clear.When I reached the beach,I saw the sea.

This is my first time to meet the sea!I was so happy and excited.Walking along the beach,My mood was relaxed.I found that I enjoyed the sea so much.

my trip英语作文 有关my trip的小学英语作文

At night ,my friend and I went to the restaurant to have supper .I tasted some seafood,the shrimps and crabs are my favarite.Wow!so delicious!

We stayed in Swatow City for two days.I think it's worth going there.This is my good trip,I will remember it ,forever.

my trip的小学英语作文五

Last Sunday,I went to the park with my friends. It was a beautiful sunny day .I was very happy.There were a lot of trees in the park. The air was fresh.I enjoyed it. Then I saw an animal's show. It was very interesting .

The animals were cute. I like them. On Sunday afternoon,l was a little hungry. So we went to a restaurant.

We ate some delicious food.We all like them.Later we went home.

lt was a nice day . l enjoyed myself. lt was my favorite trip.

my trip的小学英语作文相关推荐:

1.小学英语作文:My Europe trip 我的欧洲之行

2.我的海南之旅(my trip to hainan)


4.五年级英语作文范文A Field Trip



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