英语笑话大全 爆笑 爆笑的英语笑话大全带翻译



Looking very unhappy, a poor man entered a doctor’s consulting-room. “Doctor,” he said, “you must help me. I swallowed a penny about a month ago.” “Good heavens, man!” said the doctor. “Why have you waited so long? Why don’t you come to me on the day you swallowed it?” “To tell you the truth, Doctor,” the poor man replied, “I didn’t need the money so badly then.”

一个看起来很难受的穷人走进大夫的诊室。“大夫!” 他说,“帮帮我!一个月前我吞了一分硬币!” “天哪,” 大夫说,“ 早干嘛去了?你当时怎么不来看?” “实话告诉您吧,大夫,”穷人说,“我当时还不缺钱!”


A couple of codgers got into a quarrel and came before the local magistrate. The loser,turning to his opponent in a combative frame of mind, cried: "I'll law you to the CircuitCourt."


英语笑话大全 爆笑 爆笑的英语笑话大全带翻译


"I'm willing," said the other.


"I'll law you to the Supreme Court."


"I'll be there."


"And I'll law the hell!"


"My attorney will be there," was the calm reply.




CEO: "My wife made a millionaire out of me."


Assistant: "What were you before?"


CEO: "a multimillionaire."



A Boeing 747 was flying in the night sky of the Pacific Ocean. The captain got on the loudspeaker:" Travellers, one of our engines was out of order , therefore we’ll arrive in Tokyo anhour late ."


After a short while, the trumpet rang out again:" Everybody, the second one of our fourengines went wrong, we will reach Tokyo late three hours as a result." At this time, thepassengers started disturbance.


Someone said:" In case another engine is down again , we’ll be up here all night." Moreover, achap got to shouting unendurably:" I do not choose to take your awful airplane any longer, letme get off quickly."



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/242061/169531946.html


英语笑话大全 爆笑 爆笑的英语笑话有哪些

笑话能反映出一个民族的价值系统及其对周围世界肯定和否定的态度。小编整理了爆笑的英语笑话,欢迎阅读!爆笑的英语笑话:What's that Noise?This (Blonde) fellow is looking to buy a saw to cut down some trees in his backyard.

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冷笑话作为言语幽默的一种,其研究虽不像幽默研究有着悠久历史,但却吸引了来自修辞学和语言学等领域学者们的注意。下面是小编带来的关于英语小笑话简单爆笑,欢迎阅读!关于英语小笑话简单爆笑精选我是司机A short young man was r

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