七年级期末考试试卷 七年级英语第二学期期末考试试卷



一. 语音:

( )1. A. learn B. ear C. year D. hear

( )2. A. primary B. around C. answer D. America

( )3. A. waste B. cave C. date D. glad

( )4. A. club B. supper C. but D. supermarket

( )5. A. cool B. book C. food D. too

( )6. A. study B. body C. my D. sunny

( )7. A. mess B. textbook C. let D. me

( )8. A. flower B. throw C. how D. down

( )9. A. eat B. meat C. pleasure D. tea

( )10. A. kind B. friendly C. like D. write

二. 词性转换:

1. north(形容词) 2. holiday(复数)

3. long(比较级) 4. far from(反义词)

5. her(反身代词) 6. see(过去式)

7. great(最高级) 8. visit(现在分词)

9. kind(副词) 10. stop(现在分词)

三. 单选:

( )1. The boy is waiting for a bus the bus stop .

A. in B. on C. at D. of

( )2. Tell me to get to the Water Park .

A. where B. what C. how D. when

( )3. The students are busy trees and flowers .

A. to plant B. plant C. plants D. planting

( )4. He on his coat and out .

A. put , go B. put , went C. puts , go D. put , going

( )5. I’m sorry to keep you for a long time .

A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waited

( )6. Stop , please . Let’s go on with our lesson .

A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked

( )7. She up late this morning .

A. got B. get C. gets D. is getting

( )8. I didn’t watch TV until I finished my homework .

A. to do B. did C. do D. doing

( )9. The children the park tomorrow .

A. went B. are going to C. go D. goes

( )10. The library the right is very big .

A. in B. of C. on D. for

( )11. The boy told me .

A. turn right B. not to turn right C. to not turn right D. not turn right

( )12. The dog swam the river .

A. cross B. on C. through D. across

( )13. After Tom finished the kite , he went on it .

A. flying B. fly C. flies D. to fly

( )14. Tom said to , “ What am I doing ? ”

A. his B. himself C. him D. he

( )15. When he was a child , he often football here .

A. played B. plays C. play D. is playing

( )16. Pandas’ main food is .

A. leaves B. nuts C. bamboo D. meat

( )17. Golden monkeys live in the and of China .

A. west , north B. north , south C. west , southwest D. east , north

( )18. In winter red-crowned cranes live in the of China .

A. south B. east C. north D. west

( )19. We shouldn’t leave the rubbish .

A. somewhere B. to there C. anywhere D. at here

( )20. She went out the light .

A. on , off B. with , in C. let , on D. with , on

四. 根据句意和首字母完成句子:

1. Let’s go up the m , I want to get the top first .

2. They can run very f .

3. These animals are our f .

4. We shouldn’t w too much water .

5. Please turn off the light w leave the room .

五. 根据所给汉语,补全句子:

1. Last Saturday was (植树节). It was (晴朗的).

2. Gao Wei and his classmates went to (植)trees .

3. There are a few tall (楼)near the park .

4. There is a park (在附近)my home .

5. There are many trees (在…前面)the school .

6. I believe you have made great progress in your (学习).

7. I can .(照相)

8. I can make .(玩具)

9. We learn to be good .(学生)

10. We should (保持)the water (干净).

11. We shouldn’t make the water (脏的).

12. We should (使用)things made of (纸).

13. People are (尽力)protect them .

14. Deer can run very (快).

15. I learned a lot from our (课本).

16. I learned a lot from TV programmes , (收音机)and newspapers .

六. 按要求改写句子:

1. I was born in Tianjin .(对画线部分提问)

you ?

2. The children didn’t go to the Great Wall last Sunday .(肯定句)

The children the Great Wall last Sunday .

3. They had a swim there yesterday .(一般疑问句)

they a swim there yesterday ?

4. It was Friday yesterday .(对画线部分提问)

it yesterday ?

七年级期末考试试卷 七年级英语第二学期期末考试试卷

5. —Were you in your office yesterday morning ?(否定回答)

— , I .

6. The building near the shopping centre is the People’s Hospital .(画线提问)

is the People’s Hospital ?

7. They each speak a foreign language .(同义句)

them a foreign language .

8. The house has a garden behind it . I like it .(同义句)

I like the house behind it .

9. The hairdresser is next to the restaurant .(对画线部分提问)

hairdresser ?

10. “ Where do you work ? ” Mr. Smith asks me .(合为一句)

Mr. Smith asks me where .

11. I can draw and paint .(否定句)

I draw paint .

12. I can take good care of them .(同义句)

I can them .

13. I will tell you something about my school .(一般疑问句)

tell me about school ?

14. He didn’t come to school because he was ill .(就画线部分提问)

he come to school ?

15. He knew a lot about this film .(一般疑问句)

he a lot about this film ?

16. Is everyone here ?(同义句)

here ?

17. I learned a lot by growing flowers .(就画线部分提问)

you a lot ?

18. Were you at home last Sunday ?(肯定回答)

Yes , .

19. The twins did their homework yesterday evening .(用yesterday afternoon改选择疑问句)

the twins their homework yesterday evening yesterday afternoon ?

20. There is a little meat in the fridge .(改为反疑问句)

There is a little meat in the fridge , ?

21. The post office is on our school’s left . The library is on our school’s right(同义句)

Our school is the post office the library .

22. How can I get to the shopping centre ?(同义句)

Can you tell me the the shopping centre ?

六. 阅读理解:

Little Peter is a boy of nine . He began to go to school when he was six , and now he is in Grade Three . He lives not far from the school , but he is often late for class . He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late , so he can’t get up on time in the morning .

This term , Mrs. Black , Peter’s aunt , works in Peter’s school . She is strict with Peter and often tells the boy to obey the school rules and come to school on time . Yesterday morning Peter got up late . When he hurried(赶紧)to school , it was a quarter past eight . His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate .

“ You are ten minutes late for the first class , Peter , ” Mrs. Black said angrily . “ Why are you often late for class ? ” “ Every time , when I get to the street corner(街道拐角), I always see a guidepost(路标). It says SCHOOL—GO SLOWLY ! ”

( )1. Peter is in school for years .

A. one and a half B. two C. three D. six

( )2. Peter is often late for school because .

A. he likes watching TV B. he doesn’t like to go to school

C. he sleeps well at night D. he can get up early in the morning’

( )3. Mrs. Black is a .

A. worker B. teacher C. mother D. policewoman

( )4. The first class begins at .

A. ten to eight B. eight C. five past eight D. a quarter past eight

( )5. The guidepost is for .

A. drivers B. Peter C. students D. teachers

八. 完型填空:

Mr. John was at the window of a train in 1 . He was going to Washington , and now he was 2 . The train began moving , and an old worker 3 the window . Mr. John shouted angrily at the 4 , “ I gave you my luggage(行李)an hour ago , 5 you didn’t put it in the train . Why isn’t it here , and where did you 6 it ? ” The old man smiled at Mr. John and said , “ I looked 7 you here and there , but I didn’t 8 you . Your luggage isn’t as foolish 9 you are . You are in the wrong 10 . This one is going to New York . ”

( )1. A. the street B. the station C. Washington D. the factory

( )2. A. tired B. busy C. happy D. angry

( )3. A. came to B. left C. opened D. closed

( )4. A. boy B. woman C. worker D. driver

( )5. A. so B. and C. or D. but

( )6. A. lost B. put C. found D. forgot

( )7. A. over B. at C. for D. after

( )8. A. find B. look for C. find out D. bring

( )9. A. so B. but C. for D. as

( )10. A. window B. luggage C. train D. station

九. 根据课文内容,补全对话:

Lily:Good morning , Lisa . Lisa:Good morning , Lily . Nice to see you .

Lily:I to this neighbourhood last week .

Lisa: ? Welcome to my neighbourhood !

Lily:Thank you . By the way , I want to go to the post . where is it ?

Lisa:Go straight this road . When you to the main street , left . Go straight that street . You will see a green on the left .

Lily:Thank you .

Lisa:You are welcome .

十. 根据课文内容,首字母填空:

Yesterday Lisa and her p went to see Peking Man at Zhoukoudian near Beijing . The

b of Peking Man were f there .

Peking Man l about 300,000 to 500,000 years ago . His head was like a m . He was an ape-man . He lived in a big cave . He made things out of s . He used them to kill animals for food . He g water from the river nearby . He made f to cook and to keep w in winter .

Lisa and her parents s some d on the cave wall . They also saw some small art work m by Peking Man . Lisa r enjoyed v Peking Man’s home .


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