英语美文短篇 初一英语美文短篇阅读



受惩罚的马Punishing the horse


Since his horse refused to go forward, a traveler in the state of Song drove it into a stream, then mounted to set off again. Still the horse refused to go, and he punished it once more in the same way.


This happened three times in all.

Even the most skilful rider could devise no better means of frightening a horse; but if you are not a rider, simply a bully, your horse will refuse to carry you.




I had fallen and dislocated my elbow, which made writing checks for my small business nearly impossible. I called my bank to explain that the signature on my checks would look odd due to my accident, and would they please horror them anyway.

我摔了一跤,肘骨拖臼了。 这样一来。 我几乎不能在我地生意账单上签字了。 我给银行打电话解释说这是一个意外。 账单上地签名看上去会有些奇怪,希望他们无论如何都要给予承兑。

“Okay,” said the woman on the phone, “but you’ ll have to write a letter to the bank telling them that you are requesting this.”

英语美文短篇 初一英语美文短篇阅读

“好的,”电话里的小姐说。 “可是你必须给银行写一封请求信。”



The science teacher lecturing his class in biology said, now I ‘ll show you this frog in my pocket.


He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chicken sandwich. He looked puzzled for a second, thought deeply and said, that’s funny. I distinctly remember eating my lunch.



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