长篇英语文章带翻译1Britain Measuring poverty
英国 衡量贫困
The end of the line
The government sets out to redefine what it means to be poor

When Seebohm Rowntree, a chocolate-maker and pioneering social researcher, beganmeasuring poverty in York in 1899, he worked out the minimum needed to buy enough foodfor “physical efficiency”. In 1935, when he repeated the study, Rowntree added allowances forcigarettes, newspapers and a holiday. By 1951 he concluded that poverty was on its waytowards being eradicated, with only pockets among the elderly left, and stopped counting.
1899年,当巧克力制造商和社会学家先驱的西伯姆·朗特里(Seebohm Rowntree)在约克(York)开始测量贫困,他提出了“最低温饱线”的理论。在1935年,在反复研究之后,他又推行了关于香烟,报纸以及假期的补贴制度。并在1951年的时候,他得出结论,称除了部分老人外,若按此方法进行下去将会贫困将会得到消除,因此他停下了研究的脚步。
Few now experience the raw penury of Rowntree’s day. But measuring poverty remains anobsession. In its dying days the last Labour government passed a law committing itssuccessors to reduce child poverty. That is causing trouble for the present lot. Under the law,poverty is defined primarily in relative terms: families with less than 60% of the median incomeare considered to be poor. On November 15th Iain Duncan Smith, the welfare secretary, wasset to launch a consultation to come up with a better definition. He wants to include thingsthat he regards as the real causes of want: worklessness, educational failure and drug andalcohol dependency.
现在很少有人能体验到朗特里时代的贫困。但是测衡贫困至今仍是个谜题。在上一届工党最后的执政日子里,通过了一项关于他们下届将会减少儿童贫困的法案。这对当下执政者造成了许多困扰。根据这项法律,贫穷的定义是相当于而言的:当家庭的收入低于收入中位数(median income)的60%时,即被认为是贫困。在11月15日,福利大臣伊恩·邓肯·史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith)着手组织咨询讨论,为其寻找一个更好的定义。他希望能把他认为真正导致贫困的原因加入进去即失业,辍学,吸毒以及酗酒。
There are several problems with the current measure. Because it is relative, it is influenced bychanges in overall earnings. Figures released over the summer showed a sharp reduction inchild poverty over the last year—mostly the result of falling median incomes rather than agenuine improvement. The measure fails to take into account the quality of services thatthe poor receive, such as education and health. Worst of all, from the point of view of a cash-strapped government, huge amounts of money must be spent on tax credits and other welfareprogrammes to raise family incomes up to the threshold.
But several charities are nervous about changing how poverty is defined and suspect MrDuncan Smith of trying to wriggle out of a commitment to his predecessors’ targets. Thesehad some benign effects. Since 1999, when Tony Blair announced his ambition to end childpoverty, the profile of the poor has changed profoundly. Thanks to tax credits, theproportion of children living in households below the poverty line has fallen by around a third.Pensioners, who have been supported since 2003 with a special credit, are now less likely to bein poverty than younger people. But working-age adults without children are actually worse off:whereas 12% were considered to be in poverty in 1997, now 15% are.
但是一些慈善组织对重新定义贫困深感不安,并且怀疑这是这是邓肯·史密斯在逃避对其前任政府所定目标的承诺。那些目标还是有些积极地作用的。在1999年的时候,当托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)高调宣布,他将终结儿童贫困为己任,这一系列的措施让贫困儿童的现状发生了翻天覆地的变化。由于税收抵免,生活在贫困线之下儿童的比例较之前减少了1/3。自2003年以来领取养老金者便享受一项特殊津贴,相较于那些年轻人,他们受贫穷的可能性更低。但那些处于工作适龄却没有孩子的群体的经济状况实际上恶化了:在1997年,他们中有12%的人生活在贫困线以下,而现在已经达到了15%。
It is not clear that this progress will continue, says Chris Goulden, a researcher at the JosephRowntree Foundation. The government’s big welfare reform—the universal credit—createsstrong incentives for people to work for a few hours, which may help to increase incomes. Butother reforms work in the opposite direction. Mr Goulden reckons that child poverty willincrease significantly by 2020, mostly thanks to a change to how benefit rates are increasedwith inflation.
约瑟夫·朗特里基金会(Joseph Rowntree Foundation)的研究人员克里斯·戈尔登(Chris Goulden) 认为目前还不清楚的是,这项改进计划是否会持续进行,而政府一项中较大的福利改革——全社会的税收减免——极大地激励了人们每周增加工作时间,将有利于增加他们的收入。但是其他的改革却是与此背道而驰的。戈尔登认为,2020年儿童贫困将会大大的增加。这主要是因为即使福利保障水平会上涨,但是通货膨胀水平也会不断上升。
The long economic slump and the rising price of food and energy have already made life harderfor the very poorest. At a church in Brixton, in south London, desperate folk wait for parcelsof donated food. Many similar food banks have opened recently, mostly helping people in debt,or those whose benefits have been suspended. The church recently collected donations fromannual harvest festivals in schools. In the past, children collected food for the elderly, remarksthe vicar. Now they collect it for their classmates.
漫长的经济衰退时期以及粮食和能源价格的不断上涨,使得贫困者的生活更加举步维艰。在伦敦南部布里克斯顿(Brixton)的一座教堂里,无论可走的人们在等待人们捐赠的食物包裹 。而在近期,开放了许多类似的食物发放站,主要用来帮助那些负债累累或者救助金暂停发放的人们。而教堂近期的捐赠是从一年一度的校园收获感恩节(harvest festivals)上募集来的。牧师称,在过去,孩子们为老人家募捐。但是现在他们为自己的同学募捐。
长篇英语文章带翻译2German politics
When all parties lead to Angela
Confusion reigns in Germany’s party politics. That may not affect who wins next year’selection
Less than a year before Germany’s federal election, Chancellor Angela Merkel is doing well, atleast at home. Her centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party,the Christian Social Union (CSU), are leading in the polls. Better still, the other parties aremaking news either for being in a shambles or, whenever for a moment they are not, forspeculation that they might join a coalition in which Mrs Merkel would be senior partner andthus remain as chancellor.
Mrs Merkel’s biggest coup has been to remain personally unsullied by the otherwisedisappointing performance of the ruling coalition of the CDU and CSU with the smaller FreeDemocratic Party (FDP). The world might assume that German politics is given over to thecountry’s responsibility to save the euro. Instead, the CSU and FDP have spent most of theirpolitical energy on tactical projects that are either daft (for the CSU) or petty (the FDP).
This month, for example, the CSU tried to pander to Bavaria’s family-values voters by pushingthrough a new subsidy to parents who care for toddlers at home rather than sending them toa creche. Conveniently, the payments will begin next August, just before both the Bavarian andthe federal elections. Most parties, notably the FDP, see this policy as an expensive stepbackwards for a modern society that could leave children of poor families deprived of education.But the FDP accepted it in return for getting rid of a 10 ($12.6) fee that publicly insuredpatients have to pay once a quarter when they see their doctor.
That the FDP is reduced to horse-trading over such minutiae says a lot about the collapse ofthis once-grand liberal party. The polls suggest it may get less than 5% of votes in theelection, and would thus be ejected from the Bundestag. If an election in Lower Saxony inJanuary confirms such a poor showing, the FDP’s leader, Philipp Rosler (who is also economicsminister), will surely have to go. There are even rumours of a plot to oust him sooner.
With the coalition so preoccupied, the main opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) mighthave been expected to attack more effectively. That was the idea behind picking PeerSteinbruck, a famously sharp-tongued former finance minister, as the party’s candidate forchancellor. Mr Steinbruck has, however, become embroiled in a sustained debate about thespeaking fees he has been earning on the side (1.25m since 2009, the highest of anyBundestag member). Never loved by his party’s blue-collar and trade-union base, MrSteinbruck, the millionaire, may have turned off many of his erstwhile comrades completely.
It is telling that the SPD chairman, Sigmar Gabriel, is continually having to parry questionsabout an election outcome in which the SPD would play second fiddle to Mrs Merkel in another“grand coalition”, like the one Germany had from 2005-09. Absolutely not, insist both Mr Gabrieland Mr Steinbruck, claiming that they overlap ideologically only with the Greens, the othercentre-left party. (The Left Party is still considered too toxic to touch, for it descends largelyfrom the old East German Communist Party, and it is anyway also struggling to stay inparliament.)
有消息称大选结果将会产生另外一个和德国2005-09期间实行的非常相似的“大联合政府”,而社会民主党(SPD)将会充当默克尔总理的副手,关于该结果的问题层出不穷,社会民主党(SPD)主席西格玛尔·加布里尔不得不一直回避这些问题。绝不可能,加布里尔和施泰因布吕尔都坚决否认,他们声称他们的思想理念只和另一个中左党派绿党(the Greens)有异曲同工之妙。(左翼党仍然被民众认为是有害政党而不愿涉及,因为其很大程度上起源于老派的东德共产党,而且无论如何它也挣扎在议会的边缘。)
The SPD is terrified whenever the Greens generate optimism for the wrong reason: theirsuitability as an alternative coalition partner for Mrs Merkel. The Greens have been on a rollsince capturing the mayorship of Stuttgart, capital of the rich south-western state of Baden-Wurttemberg, which is also the first and so far only state to be governed by a Green premier.Their success is credited to the dominance within the party’s southern branch of the “realo”wing: pragmatists who can appeal to ecologically minded but conservative urban voters.Such “bourgeois” Greens could get along fine with the CDU and CSU in Berlin, goes thethinking.
As if to reinforce this impression, the Greens have just elected Katrin Goring-Eckardt, aleader in the Lutheran church who is from the east and is by Green standards a conservative,as their co-candidate for chancellor. (The other candidate, Jurgen , was almost preordained,for the Greens always pair a woman and a man.) Ms Goring-Eckardt’s selection was a rebuff toClaudia Roth, a flamboyant leftist. The choice immediately renewed speculation about an olivebranch to the CDU.
The relative decline of the traditional main parties, the CDU and SPD, in favour of smaller andyounger ones, explains much of this party manoeuvring. Some of these may just be fads. ThePirates have done well in four state elections but now seem to be self-destructing, unable toform basic policy and being generally tedious. Yet, as German society becomes moreindividualistic, says Oskar Niedermayer, a professor at Berlin’s Free University, traditional partystructures based on interest groups (Catholics, say, or trade unionists) lose appeal, leavingallegiances in flux.
传统的重要党派(如CDU和SPD)的相对衰落,规模较小和年轻的党派逐渐获得支持,这很大程度上解释了这个政党运作。有些政党只是一时潮流。海盗党(The Pirates)在4个州的选举中表现得相当出色,但是现在他们似乎已经要自我毁灭了,他们无法形成基本方针,而且非常单一。然而,随着德国社会越来越个人主义化,传统的建立在利益集团(天主教徒或工会主义者)之上的政党结构已经失去了吸引力,这使得民众的忠诚飘忽不定,柏林自由大学的教授奥斯卡·尼德迈尔说道。
At the same time and despite the campaign rhetoric, the differences between the main partieshave, he thinks, got smaller, making any radical change of direction unlikely. That is especiallytrue next year, since it seems increasingly likely that Mrs Merkel, with her safe pair of hands, willcontinue as chancellor. Only her coalition partner remains to be chosen.
长篇英语文章带翻译3The time-bomb at the heart of Europe
Why France could become the biggest danger to Europe’s single currency
The threat of the euro’s collapse has abated for the moment, but putting the single currencyright will involve years of pain. The pressure for reform and budget cuts is fiercest in Greece,Portugal, Spain and Italy, which all saw mass strikes and clashes with police this week. Butahead looms a bigger problem that could dwarf any of these: France.
The country has always been at the heart of the euro, as of the European Union. PresidentFrancois Mitterrand argued for the single currency because he hoped to bolster Frenchinfluence in an EU that would otherwise fall under the sway of a unified Germany. France hasgained from the euro: it is borrowing at record low rates and has avoided the troubles of theMediterranean. Yet even before May, when Francois Hollande became the country’s first Socialistpresident since Mitterrand, France had ceded leadership in the euro crisis to Germany. And nowits economy looks increasingly vulnerable as well.
As our special report in this issue explains, France still has many strengths, but its weaknesseshave been laid bare by the euro crisis. For years it has been losing competitiveness toGermany and the trend has accelerated as the Germans have cut costs and pushed throughbig reforms. Without the option of currency devaluation, France has resorted to publicspending and debt. Even as other EU countries have curbed the reach of the state, it hasgrown in France to consume almost 57% of GDP, the highest share in the euro zone. Becauseof the failure to balance a single budget since 1981, public debt has risen from 22% of GDPthen to over 90% now.
就像我们的特别报道中提到的,法国仍然具有很大实力,但是其脆弱的部分在欧盟危机中已经体现无疑。法国在近年来与德国的竞争中已经逐渐失去了力量,特别是当德国开始减少开支和进行大的改革后。没有欧元贬值的机遇,法国已经踏上不得不向求助于公共开支和贷款的道路了。即使想其他欧盟国家一样努力的避免走上这条路,仍避免不了其越来越高的GDP消耗--- GDP的消耗已经高达57%,高于其他欧盟区国家。因为从1981年起,由于其对于单一预算的失误,公共债务已经从GDP的22%上升到了如今的90%。
The business climate in France has also worsened. French firms are burdened by overly rigidlabour- and product-market regulation, exceptionally high taxes and the euro zone’sheaviest social charges on payrolls. Not surprisingly, new companies are rare. France has fewersmall and medium-sized enterprises, today’s engines of job growth, than Germany, Italy orBritain. The economy is stagnant, may tip into recession this quarter and will barely grow nextyear. Over 10% of the workforce, and over 25% of the young, are jobless. The externalcurrent-account deficit has swung from a small surplus in 1999 into one of the euro zone’sbiggest deficits. In short, too many of France’s firms are uncompetitive and the country’sbloated government is living beyond its means.
Hollande at bay Hollande
With enough boldness and grit, Mr Hollande could now reform France. His party holds powerin the legislature and in almost all the regions. The left should be better able than the right topersuade the unions to accept change. Mr Hollande has acknowledged that France lackscompetitiveness. And, encouragingly, he has recently promised to implement many of thechanges recommended in a new report by Louis Gallois, a businessman, including reducing theburden of social charges on companies. The president wants to make the labour market moreflexible. This week he even talked of the excessive size of the state, promising to “do better,while spending less”.
Yet set against the gravity of France’s economic problems, Mr Hollande still seems half-hearted.Why should business believe him when he has already pushed through a string of leftishmeasures, including a 75% top income-tax rate, increased taxes on companies, wealth, capitalgains and dividends, a higher minimum wage and a partial rollback of a previously acceptedrise in the pension age? No wonder so many would-be entrepreneurs are talking of leaving thecountry.
European governments that have undertaken big reforms have done so because there was adeep sense of crisis, because voters believed there was no alternative and because politicalleaders had the conviction that change was unavoidable. None of this describes Mr Hollandeor France. During the election campaign, Mr Hollande barely mentioned the need for business-friendly reform, focusing instead on ending austerity. His Socialist Party remains unmodernisedand hostile to capitalism: since he began to warn about France’s competitiveness, hisapproval rating has plunged. Worse, France is aiming at a moving target. All euro-zonecountries are making structural reforms, and mostly faster and more extensively than France isdoing (see article). The IMF recently warned that France risks being left behind by Italy andSpain.
At stake is not just the future of France, but that of the euro. Mr Hollande has correctlybadgered Angela Merkel for pushing austerity too hard. But he has hidden behind his napkinwhen it comes to the political integration needed to solve the euro crisis. There has to begreater European-level control over national economic policies. France has reluctantly ratifiedthe recent fiscal compact, which gives Brussels extra budgetary powers. But neither the elitenor the voters are yet prepared to transfer more sovereignty, just as they are unprepared fordeep structural reforms. While most countries discuss how much sovereignty they will have togive up, France is resolutely avoiding any debate on the future of Europe. Mr Hollande wasbadly burned in 2005 when voters rejected the EU constitutional treaty after his party splitdown the middle. A repeat of that would pitch the single currency into chaos.
Too big not to succeed?
Our most recent special report on a big European country (in June 2011) focused on Italy’sfailure to reform under Silvio Berlusconi; by the end of the year he was out—and change hadbegun. So far investors have been indulgent of France; indeed, long-term interest rates havefallen a bit. But sooner or later the centime will drop. You cannot defy economics for long.
Unless Mr Hollande shows that he is genuinely committed to changing the path his country hasbeen on for the past 30 years, France will lose the faith of investors—and of Germany. Asseveral euro-zone countries have found, sentiment in the markets can shift quickly. The crisiscould hit as early as next year. Previous European currency upheavals have often startedelsewhere only to finish by engulfing France—and this time, too, France rather than Italy orSpain could be where the euro’s fate is decided. Mr Hollande does not have long to defuse thetime-bomb at the heart of Europe.