五一劳动节假期作文 五一劳动节假期的小学英语作文4篇



Today is May 1, is the International Labor Day. And my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin, cousin, readily agreed. With my cousin had never been dug bamboo, which is first, of course, is an innovative idea.

cousin came to our hill. But days go halfway, it began to rain, followed by rain. But this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots, but the firm will of the U.S., as the saying goes: "springing" them! We fought so hard to mountain climbing, sweat, rain confusing.

Father is an iron-general way. In a moment, it apart. "Wow, bamboo shoots,have head many really ah!" And my cousin looked up at the head are "pathfinder" cries the father. When we arrived, his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head. Can both of us to no avail. I am anxious, hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it dug? I think maybe too, and accidentally, a bad fall, but alsothe blood, stomp my beat their chests shouting: "God, why do you torment me like this, I am also a person, but also Lord of all things, what do not give me wild, but also throw my! "At this time of my great chagrin. Father then told us that: "not as good as you, there may be a harvest."

五一劳动节假期作文 五一劳动节假期的小学英语作文4篇


Today is May 1, is the International Labor Day. And my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin, cousin, readily agreed. With my cousin had never been dug bamboo, which is first, of course, is an innovative idea.

cousin came to our hill. But days go halfway, it began to rain, followed by rain. But this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots, but the firm will of the U.S., as the saying goes: "springing" them! We fought so hard to mountain climbing, sweat, rain confusing.

Father is an iron-general way. In a moment, it apart. "Wow, bamboo shoots,have head many really ah!" And my cousin looked up at the head are "pathfinder" cries the father. When we arrived, his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head. Can both of us to no avail. I am anxious, hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it dug? I think maybe too, and accidentally, a bad fall, but alsothe blood, stomp my beat their chests shouting: "God, why do you torment me like this, I am also a person, but also Lord of all things, what do not give me wild, but also throw my! "At this time of my great chagrin. Father then told us that: "not as good as you, there may be a harvest."


This year's winter vacation to return to returning to the homeland and have discovered many amazing clean and tidy the streets have become. Although already Tales green trees along the road, but could not conceal the solemn past and prosperous; Litter has become a large green center of boulevards to the yellow straw mattresses, summer seems to reverberate with the Joyful laughing; new commercial logging within the flow of action; just widen the roads is a busy! All this only shows that the change in the economic development of a home layer height!


I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2nd May, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.On 3rd May, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. All the other days left I didn’t go anywhere, not only becasue I still had some homework, but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/244261/241037732.html


五一劳动节运动会作文 五一劳动节的作文

   五一劳动节的作文一:  当你走进学校,你可看见知识的闪光,你可听到书与人的交流,你可闻到老师的汗水,知识变的劳动更加的伟大无比。当你一切容入了社会,周围的一切都是平凡的劳动所给予。生活是如此的美好,人类是如此的进步,一

短文两篇 关于劳动节的作文:五一游玩 两篇

  一篇 关于劳动节的作文:五一游记  五一节的那天,我一大早就被妈妈叫醒了,说是去宁海玩。我一蹦三尺高,狼吞虎咽的吃过早饭就跟着妈妈出发了。  首先我们来到第一个景点-------伍山石窟。  通过捡票口,我一眼就看见了一个塑

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   篇一:五一劳动节游记作文300字  今年五一,爸爸带我和弟弟到潍坊“富华游乐园”游玩。  到了“富华游乐园”,我看到了有玩蹦蹦床的,有玩碰碰车的。我发现了一个非常好玩的东西——摩天轮。  到了“摩天轮”

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   描写五一劳动节的作文1000字 两篇   一篇 描写劳动节  俗话说:“五一劳动节”劳动才光荣,今天,我就的尝试一下劳动的滋味,劳动的快乐。  我来到西门菜场卖豆制品的地方,那里面积不大,但人流如潮。我好不容易挤到阿姨的

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  劳动节见闻作文400字  五月一日是劳动节,是全世界劳动人民争取自由的纪念日,是对我们来说,是盼望已久的节日,同时也是我们在寒假过后又一次长假,有这么长的假期,我又可以快快乐乐地地,自由的打发和支配属于自己的时间空间了。  

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