越努力越幸运英文名言 关于努力工作的英文名言



1、should always learn from everything; should focus on in order to know more, know all.


2、The ant is the most industrious animal, but it most be scanty of words. —— Franklin

没有任何动物比蚂蚁更勤奋,然而它却最沉默寡言。 ——富兰克林

3、success = hard work + the right way + less empty talk.


4、love the hard science, hard work out of genius.


5、It conquers all.——Virgil

勤劳征服一切。 ——弗吉尔

6、The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today. ——Hubbard


7、To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious.


8、Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.


9、No opportunity for the lazy, but diligence can make the most common variable opportunity opportunity. ——Martin Luther


10、if the short cut to learning, it also must be diligent.

越努力越幸运英文名言 关于努力工作的英文名言



1、the best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today. (elbert hubbard, bitish writer)

为把明天的工作做好,最好的准备是把今天的工作做好。(英国作家 哈伯德.e.)

2、the office of the scholar is to cheer, to raise, and to guide men by showing them facts amidst appearances. (ralph waldo emerson, american thinker)

学者的工作就是通过向大众提示存在于现象中的事实来鼓舞大众、教育大众、引导大众。(美国思想家 爱默生.r.w.)

3、to do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. (samuel bubler, american educator)

要从事伟大的工作,一个人必须既非常勤劳又非常空闲。(美国教育家 勃特勒.s.)

4、to him i owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours i need, if i plunge in without delay. (johm erskine, american educator)

我感激他使我 发现即使是很短的时刻,只要我分秒必争的一头钻进工作,积累起来就成为我需要的特别有用的几个钟头。(美国教育家 厄斯金.j.)

5、to youth i have three words of counsel ---work, work and work. (otto btismarck, greman statesman)

对于青年,我的忠告只有三个词——工作,工作,工作。(德国政治家 俾斯麦.o.)

6、we often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine cases out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety. (john lubbock , british banker)

我们常常听人说,人们因工作过度而垮下来,但是实际上十有八九是因为饱受担忧或焦虑的折磨。(英国银行家 卢伯克.j.)

7、whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him.


8、 we should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction.a good share of the answer rest in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job , by the activity of accomplishing. (leonard r.sayles, british writer)

为什么工作竟然是人们获得满足的如此重要的源泉呢?最主要的答案就在于,工作和通过工作所取得的成就,能激起一种自豪感。(英国作家 塞尔斯.l.r.)

9、 work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice ,and poverty. (voltaire, french philosopher)

工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。(法国哲学家 伏尔泰)

10、work is more that a necessary for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives , the souece of their identity and creativity. (leonard r.sayles, british writer)

对大多数人来说,工作不仅仅是一种必需,它还是 人们生活的焦点,是他们的个性和创造性的源泉。(英国作家 塞尔斯.l.r.)

11、Efficiency comes from diligence. In shortage in the play ground transportation into Si, was destroyed by the idler. —— Han Yu

业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思而毁于惰。 ——韩愈

13、My philosophy of life is work. ——Edison


14、high-talent people lazy by nature, if, that is, not from efforts to develop his talents, his achievements would not have significant, sometimes, rather it would be better than him at the day low.


15、The used key is the most bright.


16、Laziness is a person will be buried alive. —— Taylor

懒惰等于将一个人活埋。 ——泰 勒

17、like a fertile ground for learning, as long as hard work, there will be many of the fruit; if lazy work, when other people jump when the harvest dance, you have a regret.


18、Lazy is a mother, she has a son: robbery, and a daughter: hunger. ——Hugo


19、To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.

我感激他使我 发现即使是很短的时刻,只要我分秒必争的一头钻进工作,积累起来就成为我需要的特别有用的几个钟头。


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越努力,越幸运英文 越努力,越幸运

  还记得经历过岁月打磨的外公总是对我说,艺不压身。在他们那个物资短缺的年代,学得一门好手艺就有了闯天下的勇气。他就是这样走过来的,靠着自己扎实的技艺,一砖一瓦,置办了这个家。  人有什么样的历程,就会有什么样的感悟。抛开长

越努力越幸运励志故事 关于努力尽力的励志故事_三则

  那么努力,只为赢过昨天的自己  有人会问,女孩子上那么久的学、读那么多的书,最终不还是要回一座平凡的城,打一份平凡的工,嫁为人妇,洗衣煮饭,相夫教子,何苦折腾?我想,我们的坚持是为了,就算最终跌入烦琐,洗尽铅华,同样的工作,却有不一样的

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