五一劳动节的诗歌 五一劳动节英文诗歌



  Opened in May of the calendar

  My mind's far far beneath the bitter

  Opened in May of the calendar

  Adds a dash of my heart Anxiety

  Over the war in Iraq is still shrouded in the clouds

五一劳动节的诗歌 五一劳动节英文诗歌

  Kosovo earth is filled with thick smoke

  Hegemonists arbitrary interference in the internal affairs

  Japanese right-wingers deny the history of aggression against China

  Discordant symphony of peace in the world hidden in the melody is

  Ah long human societies

  Interpretation of how many years of suffering

  A long history of civilization ah

  How many tragedies frequently staged

  Numerous iron facts tell us that

  Ignorance on bullying


  Opened in May Calendar

  My confidence has doubled


  Faith is strong fortress

  Ideal as the flame burning

  Rang the voice of peace in the world as early as

  Seeds of friendship has been rooted in hearts

  Time the trumpet sounded in the river north and south

  Spring breeze of reform are blowing Shuyang earth


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/2456471/464117928.html


劳动节的由来200字 劳动节的诗歌


关于清明节的由来 关于五一劳动节的诗歌

五一劳动节诗歌站在红五月首端深入劳动者中间感悟阳光里那跳跃的音符一不小心滴落下来打动了无声的果林沉寂的大地上顿时 响起劳动的那支劲歌回荡在亿万劳动者心中回荡在蓝天白云之间震落满树鸟声 铺红挂彩的早晨情不自禁 阳光 雨露

五一劳动节的诗歌简单 五一劳动节的诗歌

   2017年的五一劳动节就要到来,下面是爱华小编分享的五一劳动节的现代诗歌。  五一劳动节短诗歌一:《劳动之歌》  站在红五月首端  深入劳动者中间  感悟阳光里那跳跃的音符  一不小心  滴落下来  打动


  五一手抄报内容:赞美劳动节的诗歌  五月,是一场雷鸣后大雨来临,南飞的大雁跋山涉水归家的日子;是杏花开遍山野“她在丛中笑”的烂漫季节;是冬麦扬穗农民挥汗荷锄,辛勤耕耘的好光景。  蛙鸣虫叫,鱼跃雀散,初春的旷野已是喧声鼎沸

赞美五一劳动节的诗歌 赞美五一劳动节【手抄报】

  当你走进学校,你可看见知识的闪光,你可听到书与人的交流,你可闻到老师的汗水,知识变的劳动更加的伟大无比。  当你一切容入了社会,周围的一切都是平凡的劳动所给予  生活是如此的美好,人类是如此的进步,一切的一切无不来自于我们

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