两个人的简短英语对话 两个人的英语对话


两个人的英语对话:At a Family Reunion

MARTIN: Why do you have the family reunion, Mr. Kessler?

CHUCK: We have a large farm. We have a large house, too.

MARTIN: Is the family reunion very large?

CHUCK: We have thirty or forty families. Have you met my wife, Martin?MARTIN: No, I haven't. Good morning, Mrs. Kessler.

YVONNE: Call me Yvonne. I'm happy to meet you. You're a reporter.MARTIN: Yes, I am. I want to meet these men and women.

YVONNE: We have about forty men and women.

CHUCK: We have about sixty children.

YVONNE: It's a large reunion.

CHUCK: Come meet some Kesslers.

MARTIN: Are these men and women all Kesslers?

CHUCK: Some are married to Kesslers. This is my father.

MARTIN: Hello, Mr. Kessler.

FATHER: Hello. Are you a Kessler?

MARTIN: No, I'm not. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter.

FATHER: Have you met my wife?

MARTIN: Hello, Mrs. Kessler. I'm happy to meet you.

MARTIN: What do you do, Mrs. Kessler?

MOTHER: I'm a housewife.

MARTIN: Do you have more children?

MOTHER: Only there. We have two daughters and one son.

MARTIN: Where do they live?

MOTHER: Our son, Chuck, lives here, of course. One daughter lives in St Louis. One daughter lives in Fargo.

MARTIN: What do you do, Mr. Kessler?

FATHER: I'm a salesman.

MARTIN: What do you sell?

FATHER: I sell seed corn.

MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. Excuse me, I want to meet more Kesslers.MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner. Are you a Kessler?

KAREN: Of course. I'm Karen Kessler. This is my sister.

KENDRA: I'm Kendra. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine, thanks.

KAREN: Are you married to a Kessler?

MARTIN: No, I'm not.

KENDRA: Are you married?

MARTIN: Yes, I am.

KAREN: What do you do?

MARTIN: I'm a reporter. May I ask you some questions?


MARTIN: Do you have any brothers?

KAREN: No, I have only my sister.

MARTIN: Are you married?

KAREN: No, I'm not. Kendra is married.


马 丁:凯斯勒先生,你为什么举办这个家庭聚会呢?

查 克:我们有个大农场,我们的房子也很大。

马 丁:这次的家庭聚会规模很大吗?

查 克:有三四十个家庭参加。马丁,你见过我妻子伊冯了吗?

马 丁:没有,早上好,凯斯勒太太。

伊 冯:叫我伊冯好了。很高兴见到你,你是记者吧。

马 丁:是的。我想见见这些先生和女士们。

伊 冯:这里大约有40位。

查 克:这里大约有60个孩子。

伊 冯:这是个大型聚会。

查 克:来和一些凯斯勒家族成员见见面。

马 丁:这些人都是凯斯勒家族成员吗?

查 克:一些是与凯斯勒家族成员联姻的。这是我父亲。

马 丁:你好,凯斯勒先生。

父 亲:你好,你是凯斯勒家族成员吗?

马 丁:不,我不是。我叫马丁·勒纳,我是记者。

父 亲:你见过我妻子了吗?

马 丁:你好,凯斯勒太太,很高兴见到你,凯斯勒太太做什么工作?

母 亲:我是家庭妇女。

马 丁:你的孩子多吗?

母 亲:仅有三个,我们有两个女儿一个儿子。

马 丁:他们住在哪里?

母 亲:我儿子查克自然住在这儿了,一个女儿住在圣路易斯,一个女儿住在法哥。

马 丁:你做什么工作,凯斯勒先生?

父 亲:我是推销员。

马 丁:你卖什么?

父 亲:我卖玉米种子。

马 丁:见到你很高兴。对不起,我想多见些凯斯勒家族成员。

马 丁:你好,我叫马丁·勒纳,你是凯斯勒家族成员吗?

卡 伦:当然了,我叫凯伦·凯斯勒,这是我姐姐。


马 丁:我很好,谢谢。

卡 伦:你是娶了凯斯勒家族的成员吗?

马 丁:不,不是。


马 丁:是的。

卡 伦:你做什么工作。

马 丁:我是记者。我可以问你一些问题吗?

卡 伦:可以。

马 丁:你有兄弟吗?

卡 伦:没有,我只有个姐姐。

马 丁:你结婚了吗?

卡 伦:没有,肯德拉结婚了。


MARTIN: Who is your father?

KAREN: That man.

MARTIN: Chuck? We've met. Kendra, do you have children?

KENDRA: No, I don't. Do you have children?

MARTIN: Yes, I do.

KENDRA: Come with me, Martin. Meet my aunt.

MARTIN: Excuse me, Karen.

KAREN: Good-bye.

KENDRA: This is my aunt. Aunt Geraldine.

GERALD: Is he a Kessler?

KENDRA: No, he isn't.

MARTIN: I'm Martin Learner.

GERALD: Hello.

KENDRA: He's a reporter.

GERALD: I'm happy to meet you.

MARTIN: Thank you. Do you have a family?

GERALD: Of course. I have Kendra.

GERALD: I’m her aunt. And Karen. Karen is Kendra's sister.

MARTIN: We've met. I've met your brother, too.

GERALD: You've met Chuck? Have you met his wife?

MARTIN: Yes, I have.

GERALD: I have a sister, too.

MARTIN: Is she here?


MARTIN: Is your husband here?


MARTIN: Is your sister married?


MARTIN: Is her husband here?

GERALD: No, he isn't. He's working.

MARTIN: What do you do?

GERALD: My husband and I have a small business.

KENDRA: This is my aunt. Aunt Maxine.

MARTIN: Hello. How are you?

MAXINE: Fine, thanks. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine, thanks.

MAXINE: Kendra, where is your mother?

KENDRA: I don't know.

MAXINE: Is she with your father?

KENDRA: I don't know.

MAXINE: Please go look for her.

KENDRA: Excuse me, Martin.

MAXINE: Is your family here?

MARTIN: No, they aren't. They're in Baltimore.

MAXINE: Oh, is your home in Baltimore?

MARTIN: Yes, it is.

MAXINE: I have an uncle in Baltimore.

KAREN: Martin, is your wife here?

MARTIN: No, she isn't. She's in Baltimore. Our home is in Baltimore.

KAREN: Do you have any Children?

MARTIN: Yes, I do. I have one boy and one girl.

KAREN: How old is the boy?

MARTIN: He's seventeen years old. My daughter is fourteen years old.KAREN: Do you live in a house?

两个人的简短英语对话 两个人的英语对话

MARTIN: No, we don't. We live in an apartment. Where do you live?

KAREN: I live with my mother and father.

MARTIN: Where is Kendra's home?

KAREN: She's in town. She lives in an apartment.

MARTIN: May I ask some more questions about your family?

KAREN: Yes.

MARTIN: I met two aunts. They are your father's sisters.

KAREN: That's right.

MARTIN: Do you have uncles?

KAREN: I have only one uncle.

MARTIN: And I met your grandparents. They are your father's parents.KAREN: That's right.

MARTIN: Do you have more grandparents?


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