采购部的英语说法1:purchase department
采购部的英语说法2:Purchasing Department
采购部相关英语表达:药品采购部 Drugs Purchasing Dept
采购部库房主管 Purchasing Treasury head
会所采购部主管 purchasing supervisor
采购部经理 Purchasing Manager
采购部主管 Purchasing Officer
物资采购部 Materials Purchasing Dept
采购部的英语例句:1. Mr. Ross is in charge of purchasing. Shall I put you through?
Ross先生是采购部负责人, 我接给您好不好 ?
2. In the purchasing department authority of the production manager.
3. Regulatory agencies are: human resources, engineering, purchasing department, department, quality control department.
管理机构有: 人力资源部 、 工程部 、 采购部 、 生产部 、 品控部.
4. We will be your best buying office in China.
5. Please submit 2 sets of pre - production samples to GP merchandiser mass production.
6. Use the park road entrance to get to the buy department.

7. I'm Sales Manager of the Shanghai Machinery Company Inc.
8. Coordinate with Finance and Purchasing Department about Payment and Product selling issues.
9. Howard : We've contacted Purchasing, and they're dealing with the manufacturer right now.
我们已经联络采购部, 他们也正在和供应商讨论相关事宜.
10. Coordination with: quality manager, technical department, commercial dept. and purchase dept.
需协调部门: 质检经理, 技术部, 商业部和采购部.
11. Assist global sourcing initiative by sourcing suitable Chinese sub - contractor and OE suppliers.
12. To work in our product design or procurement department.
13. Support procurement to establish and improve supplier base and supplier quality system.
14. Conducts external audits ( suppliers audits ) with purchasing department according internal schedule.
根据内部日程安排,与采购部一起实施外部审核 ( 供应商审核 )
15. Contact Group Purchase and BDC for commercial and technical clarification.