get disheartened [disappointed];get discouraged;feel depressed;lose heart or become dispirited ;
【出处】: 明·吕坤《呻吟语·下·建功立业》:“是以志趋不坚,人言是恤者,辄灰心丧气,竟不卒功。”
![弱不禁风的意思是什么 灰心丧气的意思是什么](
【拼音代码】: hxsq
【用法】: 作谓语、定语、状语;指意志消沉
Isn't it frustrating being here?
That strong demand has been a key factor strengthening the yen in recent weeks, to the frustration of japanese exporters.
Investors were initially discouraged by the fed's 2:15 p.m. edt announcement, disappointed that policy makers didn't announce any new initiatives and discouraged by the fed's gloomy appraisal of the economy.