小学生英语笑话 关于小学生英语笑话阅读



Calming your son 让你儿子静下来

In the supermarket was a man pushing a cart which contained a screaming, bellowing(吼叫)baby. The gentleman kept repeating softly, "Don't get excited, Albert; don't scream, Albert; don't yell, Albert; keep calm, Albert."

A woman standing next to him said, "You certainly are to be commended(称赞,表扬) for trying to soothe(安慰) your son, Albert."

The man looked at her and said, "Lady, I'm Albert."





As If Awakening From A Dream 如梦初醒

A competition which subject is on giving up drinking is proceeding. One of lecturers says excitedly, " Alcohol can break down conjugal(婚姻的) relation, even cause your wife to leave you… "

A man shouts out at the news, "Give me another bottle of Brandy."




At Auction Fair 拍卖会上

At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document.

The owner says, "Once who picked it up brings it to me, I will take out 200 dollars to remunerate reward him or her."

On hearing the news, another chap(小伙子,家伙) shouts out:" I reward 300 dollars."



小学生英语笑话 关于小学生英语笑话阅读


Automobile Fittings 汽车配件

A lorry driver makes inquiry of a mountaineer, "Excuse me, where can I buy the auto accessories(附件) in the neighborhood?"

Mountaineer says, "Some people usually drive heroic car on the road. There is a abrupt turn(急转弯) ahead not far from here, and a clough(深谷) just below it, where you can find all kinds of the auto accessories. You will spend no money at all."




Life After Death 死后重生

Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.

"Yes, Sir." the new recruit replied.

"Well, then, that makes everything just fine," the boss went on. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you.



“哦,那么,这样说来一切就很正常了,” 老板继续说,“在你今早离开,去参加你奶奶的葬礼,她来看你了。”


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/247161/924561088.html


小学生笑话故事大全 关于小学英语笑话故事大全

笑话是指幽默的话语,在人们交谈的过程中传递和激发幽默感。小编整理了关于小学英语笑话故事,欢迎阅读!关于小学英语笑话故事:Weather PredictA film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to th

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笑话一般指短小、滑稽的故事,是一种民间口头创作形式,在民间文化中以口口相传的形式传播。小编精心收集了关于三年级简单英语笑话,供大家欣赏学习!关于三年级简单英语笑话:Talking on the TelephoneEach Sunday the minister calle

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笑话是日常生活中人们消遣娱乐的一种常见语言现象,其目的在于在会话过程中传递和激发幽默感。下面是小编带来的关于最简单的英语笑话,欢迎阅读!关于最简单的英语笑话篇一a boy says to her mother, mom, is god a man or woman?

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英语笑话是人们重要的交际手段,它能够让说笑话的人从众人中脱颖而出。小编整理了关于一年级英语笑话,欢迎阅读!关于一年级英语笑话:坚持不懈是一种美德Perseverance is a virtueMany years after receiving my graduate degree, I

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