come as you are 【美文欣赏】Come as You Are

摘要: Do not let your bracelets jingle when,lamp in hand, you lead him in.Have you not finished your work yet? Listen,the guest has come.

Come as You Are

Come as you are; do not loiter over your toilet.

If your braided hair has loosened,

if the parting of your hair be not straight,

if the ribbons be not fastened, do not mind.

Come as you are; do not loiter over your toilet.

Come, with quick steps over the grass.

If the red come from your feet because of the dew,

if the rings of bells upon your feet slacken,

if pearls drop out of your chain, do not mind.

Come, with quick steps over the grass.

Do you see the clouds wrapping the sky?

Flocks of cranes fly up from the further riverbank.

The anxious cattle run to their stalls in the village.

Do you see the clouds wrapping the sky?

Come as you are; do not loiter over your toilet.

Let your work be. Listen, the guest has come.

Do you hear, he is gently shaking the chain which fastens the door?

See that your anklets make no loud noise,

and that your step is not over-hurried at meeting him.

Let your work be, the guest has come in the evening.

It is the full moon on a night of April;

shadows are pale in the court yard;

the sky overhead is bright.

Draw your veil over your face if you must,

carry the lamp in the door if you fear.

Have no word with him if you are shy;

stand aside by the door when you meet him.

If he asks you questions, and if you wish to,

you can lower your eyes in silence.

Do not let your bracelets jingle when,

lamp in hand, you lead him in.

Have you not finished your work yet?

come as you are 【美文欣赏】Come as You Are

Listen,the guest has come.


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