给老师的英文毕业赠言 给老师的英文赠言



1. Life is plain, the truth is always simple and happy forever with your pursuit with, like spring to sow, fall to harvest the same

2. Teachers are not only a profession, but also play a responsibility to teach and educate people, is responsible for history and the future of the mission, but also for their own conscience

3. Teacher occupation as drinking coffee, some people say that bitter sweet; Some people say that sweet with bitter In fact, bitter and sweet is the life of simple dialectics

4. Only when the teacher profession really coincides with your heart, when you really like the job, you will carefully to appreciate, to taste this extraordinary and great career, and for whom the bitter, tired, For the United States ......

5. Teachers word for word warm and wisdom of the words, allowing students to feel the care from the teachers, attention, guidance and appreciation, which is the teacher's profession unique human sexual appeal This is the love of teachers brought professional Human beauty!

6. When students do not pay attention to class, to remind the reminder at the same time, more is to reflect on their own teaching because of reflection in order to promote the growth of teachers in order to make their own classroom more magnetic

7. If you want to dig wells, it is necessary to dig until the water out

8. with the new spectrum of education people, a total of ideal Jinqiao

9. Tree Decade tree years, for students to the people

10. Three-inch chalk three feet of lecturing Yu Miao, a Dan heart life Bingchu Xian Chunhua

11. adult messenger doll friends, teaching and educating students love

12. For their own soul to find a piece of pure land, stop and indulge in education in the garden

13. Children like buds, teaching like Chafan; you and I work together, Kuliyuyingcai

14. a good seed, not afraid of buried, there are always unearthed one day;

Efforts of people, not afraid of loneliness, there is always a successful day

15. better not to when the sunset to fantasy, but to rise in the sun when the time to learn

16. Good play their role, do their own thing to do

17. happy to know how to share in order to double the happiness

18. empty talk as hard work, pacing why not move forward

19. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, in the face of the present, do their best

20. Last night more than a few minutes of preparation, today a few hours of trouble

给老师的英文毕业赠言 给老师的英文赠言


1. "Everywhere life is the examination room," a line of thought and think twice.

2. Mo talk about non-people, sit often think too.

3. "Broken mirror does not change light, blue death does not change fragrance." Fidelity to their choice, success will be waving to you!

4. "Things are clear and knowledge, human sophistication is the article.", The accumulation of good gains and losses in your classroom, cherish the feelings of your life.

5. "Discerned in the mangmang, check the signs in the suspect", the success of teaching is often subtle see the spirit, significant skill.

6. Success requires cost, time is also a cost, the value of time is the cost savings.

7. The best choice to be happy is to cherish what you have, forget what you do not have.

8. Smile in the mirror every day and say to yourself, "You're great."

9. Success is not the future, but from the decision to do that moment, continued to accumulate.

10. Every day there are wonderful, every day playing. So beautiful campus symphony to keep your footsteps, heal your mood, take you through a long distance, out of the beautiful all the way.

11. with the child as partners, and innocence of the company, such as the spring and summer autumn and winter brill passed, emotions with the grass dry Rong. Stay for some time so that they fall into meditation, reminiscent of the past, tranquil as Ju, alcohol like alcohol.

12. into the innocence, this is a pure hall, the joy of success, the joy of growing up, we share with each other; depressed face, tears of remorse, also worthy of appreciation.

13. Friends like whisper, hand, foot and pedigree, parent-child type earnestly asked ... ... warm story, students, teachers are outstanding hero, teacher and student love is the eternal theme.

14. Each of us is only one person, but can not be ignored, because of your efforts, the world becomes more beautiful.

15. "Yes, I am important!" Each of us should have the courage to say so. As long as we work hard at all times, we can proudly proudly said: "I am very important!

When you feel sad and painful, it is better to learn something. Learning will always make you invincible.

Last night more than a few minutes of preparation, today few hours of trouble.

16. The light of life lighted by passion, life boat because of hard work and forward.

17. Talent is like a sponge of water, there is no external force of extrusion, it is absolutely not flow out. Flow out, the sponge can absorb new sources.

18. Every winner has a beginning. The courage to start, to find the road to success.

19. The world will make way for those who have goals and vision.


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