小学生现代诗歌精选 小学六年级英文诗歌精选



mount zhongnan

wang wei

its massive height near the city of heaven

joins a thousand mountains to the corner of the sea.

clouds, when i look back, close behind me,

mists, when i enter them, are gone.

a central peak divides the wilds

and weather into many valleys.

...needing a place to spend the night,

i call to a wood-cutter over the river.



太乙近天都, 连山接海隅。

白云回望合, 青霭入看无。

分野中峰变, 阴晴众壑殊。

欲投人处宿, 隔水问樵夫。


a message from my lodge at wangchuan to pei di

wang wei

the mountains are cold and blue now

and the autumn waters have run all day.

by my thatch door, leaning on my staff,

i listen to cicadas in the evening wind.

sunset lingers at the ferry,

supper-smoke floats up from the houses.

...oh, when shall i pledge the great hermit again

and sing a wild poem at five willows?



寒山转苍翠, 秋水日潺湲。

倚杖柴门外, 临风听暮蝉。

渡头余落日, 墟里上孤烟。

复值接舆醉, 狂歌五柳前。


toward the temple of heaped fragrance

wang wei

not knowing the way to the temple of heaped fragrance,

under miles of mountain-cloud i have wandered

through ancient woods without a human track;

but now on the height i hear a bell.

a rillet sings over winding rocks,

the sun is tempered by green pines....

and at twilight, close to an emptying pool,

thought can conquer the passion-dragon.



不知香积寺, 数里入云峰。

古木无人径, 深山何处钟。

泉声咽危石, 日色冷青松。

薄暮空潭曲, 安禅制毒龙。


a message to commissioner li at zizhou

wang wei

from ten thousand valleys the trees touch heaven;

on a thousand peaks cuckoos are calling;

and, after a night of mountain rain,

from each summit come hundreds of silken cascades.

...if girls are asked in tribute the fibre they weave,

or farmers quarrel over taro fields,

preside as wisely as wenweng did....

is fame to be only for the ancients?



万壑树参天, 千山响杜鹃。

山中一夜雨, 树杪百重泉。

汉女输橦布, 巴人讼芋田。

文翁翻教授, 不敢倚先贤。


answering vice-prefect zhang

wang wei

小学生现代诗歌精选 小学六年级英文诗歌精选

as the years go by, give me but peace,

freedom from ten thousand matters.

i ask myself and always answer:

what can be better than coming home?

a wind from the pine-trees blows my sash,

and my lute is bright with the mountain moon.

you ask me about good and evil fortune?....

hark, on the lake there's a fisherman singing!



晚年惟好静, 万事不关心。

自顾无长策, 空知返旧林。

松风吹解带, 山月照弹琴。

君问穷通理, 渔歌入浦深。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/248261/919413231.html


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