TOKYO — In the first reported death in Japan linked to the Pokémon Go craze, a man who wasplaying the popular smartphone game while driving struck two pedestrians, killing one, thepolice said on Thursday.
Nintendo and Niantic, the companies behind the game, expressed condolences to the familiesof the victims.
Pokémon Go uses what is known as augmented reality technology, which puts images of digitalmonsters in real-world environments for players to hunt with a flick of their fingers.
Distracted Pokémon Go players around the world have been involved in numerous mishaps,including less serious car crashes and falls.
In the United States, several people were reported to have been attacked or robbed whileplaying the game, though the connection between the violence and the fact that the victimswere using Pokémon Go at the time has not always been clear.
The death in Japan occurred Tuesday evening in rural Tokushima Prefecture, on the island ofShikoku in the south of the country.
The police in Tokushima said they had arrested the driver, Keiji Go’o, a 39-year-old farmer whothey said was behind the wheel of a small cargo van when he struck the two pedestrians —Sachiko Nakanishi, 72, and Kayoko Ikawa, 60 — at an intersection.
德岛县警方说,他们已经将司机逮捕,他是39岁的农民吾大敬二(Keiji Go'o),警方说,他开着小货运车在一个交叉路口撞倒了两名行人:72岁的中西幸子(Sachiko Nakanishi)和60岁的伊川佳代子(Kayoko Ikawa)。
Ms. Nakanishi died of a broken neck, the police said; the extent of Ms. Ikawa’s injuries was notdisclosed. Mr. Go’o remained in custody on Thursday, but the police said he had admitted beingdistracted by the game when the accident occurred.
Photographs and video taken by the Japanese news media showed what they said was the vandriven by Mr. Go’o, with a smashed windshield.
Niantic, a spinoff of Google that is responsible for the design of Pokémon Go, has added in-game warnings against playing while driving or in other potentially dangerous situations, and aspokesman said the company prioritized safety.
Nintendo, which is based in Japan and owns part of the company that manages the Pokémonfranchise, said it was working to “create an environment where people can play the gamesafely.”
More than 10 million people in Japan downloaded the game on the day it debuted here lastmonth, after a similarly huge reception in the United States and elsewhere.
Distraction on the roads is not the only potential danger; some train stations have begunbroadcasting warnings against playing while walking along crowded platforms.
左派还是右派 Facebook已给你贴上标签
You may think you are discreet about your political views. But Facebook, the world’s largest social media network, has come up with its own determination of your political leanings, based on your activity on the site.
And now, it is easy to find out how Facebook has categorized you — as very liberal or very conservative, or somewhere in between.
Try this (it works best on your desktop computer):
Go to facebook.com/ads/preferences on your browser. (You may have to log in to Facebook first.)
That will bring you to a page with your ad preferences. Under the “Interests” header, click the “Lifestyle and Culture” tab.
你会看到一个关于你的广告偏好的网页。点击“兴趣”(Interests)那一栏的“生活方式和文化”按钮(Lifestyle and Culture)。
Then look for a box titled “US Politics.” In parentheses, it will describe how Facebook has categorized you, such as liberal, moderate or conservative.
然后寻找一个名叫“美国政治”(US Politics)的方框。括号里写着Facebook对你的归类,比如自由派、温和派或保守派。
(If the “US Politics” box does not show up, click the “See more” button under the grid of boxes.)
(如果“美国政治”方框没有出现,那就点击那一堆方框下面的“更多”[See more]按钮。)
Facebook makes a deduction about your political views based on the pages that you like — or on your political preference, if you stated one, on your profile page. If you like the page for Hillary Clinton, Facebook might categorize you as a liberal.
Facebook根据你喜欢的网页对你的政治观点做出推断——或者是根据你在简介页面注明的政治倾向(如果你注明了的话)。如果你喜欢希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的主页,那么Facebook可能把你归为自由派。
Even if you do not like any candidates’ pages, if most of the people who like the same pages that you do — such as Ben and Jerry’s ice cream — identify as liberal, then Facebook might classify you as one, too.
就算你不喜欢浏览候选人的主页,如果跟你浏览相同网页(比如Ben and Jerry’s牌冰激凌)的大部分人被认定为自由派,那么Facebook可能也把你归入自由派。
Facebook has long been collecting information on its users, but it recently revamped the ad preferences page, making it easier to view.
The information is valuable. Advertisers, including many political campaigns, pay Facebook to show their ads to specific demographic groups. The labels Facebook assigns to its users help campaigns more precisely target a particular audience.
For instance, Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign has paid for its ads to be shown to those who Facebook has labeled politically moderate.
比如,唐纳德•J•特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的总统竞选团队花钱把广告展示给被Facebook标记为温和派的用户。
Campaigns can also use the groupings to show different messages to different supporters. They may want to show an ad to their hard-core supporters, for example, that is unlike an ad targeted at people just tuning in to the election.

It is not clear how aggressively Facebook is gathering political information on users outside the United States. The social network has 1.7 billion active users, including about 204 million in the United States.
Political outlook is just one of the attributes Facebook compiles on its users. Many of the others are directly commercial: whether you like television comedy shows, video games or Nascar.
To learn more about how political campaigns are targeting voters on social media, The New York Times is collecting Facebook ads from our readers with a project called AdTrack. You can take part by visiting nytimes.com and searching for “Send us the political ads.”
为了更多地了解政治竞选团队如何在社交媒体上锁定选民,《纽约时报》正在从读者中收集Facebook的广告,这个项目名叫AdTrack。你可以通过访问nytimes.com,搜索“给我们发政治广告”(Send us the political ads)进行参与。
One of the world’s most evasive digital arms dealers is believed to have been takingadvantage of three security vulnerabilities in popular Apple products in its efforts to spy ondissidents and journalists.
Investigators discovered that a company called the NSO Group, an Israeli outfit that sellssoftware that invisibly tracks a target’s mobile phone, was responsible for the intrusions.
调查人员发现,这个名为NSO集团(NSO Group)的以色列公司对多起入侵事件负有责任。
The NSO Group’s software can read text messages and emails and track calls and contacts. Itcan even record sounds, collect passwords and trace the whereabouts of the phone user.
In response, Apple on Thursday released a patched version of its mobile software, iOS 9.3.5.Users can get the patch through a normal software update.
作为回应,苹果周四发布了经过修复的移动软件版本iOS 9.3.5。用户可通过正常的软件升级获取补丁。
Apple fixed the holes 10 days after a tip from two researchers, Bill Marczak and John ScottRailton, at Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, andLookout, a San Francisco mobile security company.
在收到来自多伦多大学(University of Toronto)蒙克全球事务学院(Munk School of Global Affairs)“公民实验室”(Citizen Lab)的研究人员比尔•马尔切克(Bill Marczak)和约翰•斯科特•雷尔顿(John Scott Railton),以及旧金山移动安全公司Lookout的提醒十天后,苹果修复了相关漏洞。
“We advise all of our customers to always download the latest version of iOS to protectthemselves against potential security exploits,” said Fred Sainz, a company spokesman.
“我们建议全体顾客坚持下载最新版本的iOS,以保护自己远离潜在的安全漏洞,”苹果公司的发言人弗雷德•赛恩斯(Fred Sainz)说。
In interviews and manuals, the NSO Group’s executives have long boasted that their spywareworked like a “ghost,” tracking the moves and keystrokes of its targets, without leaving atrace. But until this month, it was not clear how exactly the group was monitoring its targets,or who exactly it was monitoring.
A clearer picture began to emerge on Aug. 10, when Ahmed Mansoor, a prominent humanrights activist in the United Arab Emirates, who has been tracked by surveillance softwareseveral times, began receiving suspicious text messages. The messages purported to containinformation about the torture of U.A.E. citizens.
8月10日,当多次被监视软件跟踪的阿拉伯联合酋长国著名人权活动人士艾哈迈德•曼苏尔(Ahmed Mansoor)开始收到可疑短信时,更清晰的画面开始浮现。那些短信宣称包含有关阿联酋公民被刑讯逼供的信息。
Mr. Mansoor passed the messages to researchers at the Citizen Lab, who confirmed they werean attempt to track him through his iPhone.
This latest effort was far more sophisticated than what was found aimed at his devices before.The researchers found it was connecting to 200 servers, several of them registered to the NSOGroup. Strewn throughout the spyware code were references to Pegasus, the name of an NSOGroup spyware product.
Citizen Lab brought in Lookout to help examine the code. Together, they discovered that thespyware relied on three previously unknown iOS vulnerabilities — called “zero days” becauseApple didn’t know about them and had zero days to patch them.
“公民实验室”请Lookout来协助研究这些代码。他们在合作中发现,这款间谍软件依赖之前不为人知的三个iOS安全漏洞。它们被叫做“零日”(zero days),因为苹果不知道它们,没花哪怕一天时间去修复它们。