Thoughts thronged one's mind.;fall into a reverie;indulge in a train of thoughts;many ideas coming to the fore continuously ;
【出处】: 晋·陆机《文赋》:“浮藻联翩。”
【用法】: 作谓语、宾语、定语;形容思绪活跃
【拼音】: fú xiǎng lián piān
【解释】: 浮想:飘浮不定的想象;联翩:鸟飞的样子,比喻连续不断。指许许多多的想象不断
Makes you think, doesn't it?
巴菲特之子彼得巴菲特(peter buffett)即将出版的新书中,有一个故事不禁让人对这样一个话题浮想联翩。
A story from a forthcoming book by peter buffett, son of the legendary omaha investor, is an invitation to daydream on that topic.
The boom in u. s.oil production in places like eagle ford, texas, has all kinds of fascinating implications, from presidential politics to the wider world.涌现出来。