


A:Oh, Mia,I’ll be graduating from college soon,but I haven’t found a job yet.


B:Dear Bill, you can try posting your job seeking information online.

B:亲爱的比尔,你可以试试将求职信息发 布到网上。

A:Good idea! But I don’t know how to set up and send an online resume.

A:好主意!但是我不知道如何拟定和发送 网上个人履历。

B:Be patient,I’II offer you seven steps to successful online resume writing:

B:耐心点,我可以告诉你成功制作网上个 人履历的7个步骤:

I . Set your page width to 60 characters.

I ?把你的页面宽度设为60个字符。

II. If you have used bullets, replace them with hyphens.


III. Take out all tabs,and use your spacebar instead.


IV. Delete any long leaders like'...' Use short lines.


V. If you have written your resume u-sing word-processing software like Word or Word Perfect,save an additional version in text format.

V如果你是用Word或Word Perfect 这样的文字处理软件写的履历,那么 再另外以文本格式保存一份。

VI. Edit the text to make sure that it is text-only at this point.


VD. Cut and paste the text onto an e-mail page and send it to the website of the job agency.

VII把文本文件剪切,粘贴到电子邮件页 面上,然后发送给人才市场网站。

A: It sounds very easy.


B: Yes,it isn't difficult. Happy hunting!


A:Thank you!



A : I think if I’m going to find a job,I’ll look over the job board.


B: Well,there’s no doubt that lots of people have found employment in the help wanted section.

B:嗯,的确有很多人通过招聘版找到了工 作。

A: Right, so I picked up a copy of the Sunday Globe this morning.



B: Did you get a copy of the Herald too?

B :你是不是也买了《先锋报》?

A:No,why should I? The Globe’s help wanted section is the best.


B : That’s true, but still the Herald lists some jobs the Globe doesn’t have.

B:没错,不过《先锋报》上刊登的工作,有些 是《全球报》没有的。

A:Not enough to worry about. Why do I waste the money buying two papers?

A:这没什么好担心的。为什么要浪费钱买 两份报纸呢?

B : If s only a couple of dollars more. For that much money you can afford to risk it.

B:只不过多花几块钱罢了。多花那些钱可 以让你少承担些风险。

A: I guess you’re right. I'll get a Herald as soon as I finish looking over the Globe.

A:我想你是对的。我看完《全球报》以后, 马上就去买《先锋报》。

B:Good idea.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/248861/114149885.html



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