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These days,different ways are being taken toprotect cultural identity.Obviously, not onlyis muchcontribution made to maintain old housesbutalsorules of laws associated with cultural protectionturn out to be better. Some people even say thatnew houses are right to be set up same astraditional ones.I seem to be one of opponentswho believe thatthe action can be unsuitable inour world.

One of the main reasons is thatmost of traditional buildings, in my nation, that arecapable of fewer people is hard to meet the demands for housingasincreasing numbers ofpeople pour into the city.Compared tolast decade, today’s population has doubled and eventrebled, which puts serious pressure on housing supply.As a result, old houses must besubstituted for new ones that have more efficient utility,let alonevery traditional ones.

No doubts thatbuilding or maintaining traditional buildings are very essential to raise artsense and increase choices of people’s housing.Plus, these old housesare believed asveryimportant resources to attract international visitors.However, the proportion of traditionalhouses has to be under control,and otherwisethe housing of citizens is badly affected.

Overall, my view is thatcultural identity is so precious that more efforts and measuresshould be taken but carefully. The excellent tradition helps with deep understanding of history,and educates youths.Neverthelessa simple and reckless behavior. that new houses are built ina typical waydoes more harm than goodin the improvement of people’s being.


We all know that China’s history is a long andcomplex one which stretches over thousands ofyears. With such a long and varied history, it’s hardto accurately define our ‘cultural identity’. Forexample, in the Tang Dynasty, many people thoughtthat fat women were the most beautiful, but nowthings are different, and most people think that slim girls are prettier. The same is true forbuilding designs; some things that were desirable in the past are no longer popular.

I think that, as a country, we have a responsibility to preserve a piece of our past, but thatdoesn’t mean that we have to live in the past. Just because my relatives were farmers, doesn’tmean that every future generation has to live in a farmhouse, or even in a house that looks likea farmhouse.

Many modern buildings are safer than old buildings, because we have learned how to makestronger buildings that will last longer. I think that modern buildings that incorporate a subtletraditional style into their design are beautiful, but it’s also good for buildings to have a wild,modern, Chinese flavor. Each period of Chinese history is a little different, so we should leaveroom for new expression.

In the future, today’s newest designs may well become traditional. Keeping this fact inmind, I agree that some buildings should be built in traditional styles; however, we should alsoallow young Chinese architects to weave the essence of the current era into their buildingdesigns. The government is not only responsible for protecting a nation’s cultural identity; italso has a responsibility to allow for continued growth.


These days, different ways are being taken toprotect cultural identity. Obviously, not only ismuch contribution made to maintain old houses butalso rules of laws associated with cultural protectionare changed for the better. Some people even saythat new buildings are right to be set up in theconventionalway. I seem to be one of opponentswho believe that the action can be unsuitable in ourworld.

雅思作文范文 雅思大作文范文三篇 建筑类

One of the main reasons is that most of traditional buildings, in my nation, that offerprovide few rooms can hardly hard to meet the demands for housing as increasing numbers ofpeople pour into the city. Compared to before, today's population has doubled and eventrebled, which puts seriouspressure on housing supply. As a result, new buildings must besubstituted for old ones that have more efficient utility, even for some old buildings that havebeen damaged seriously.

No doubts that building or maintaining traditional buildings is very essential to raise artsense and increase choices of people's housing. Plus, these old houses are believed as veryimportant resources to attract international visitors. However, the proportionof traditionalhouses has to be under control, and otherwise the housing of citizens is badly affected.

Overall, my view is that cultural identity is so preciousthat more efforts and measuresshould be taken but carefully. The excellent tradition helps with deep understanding of history,and educates youths. Nevertheless a simple and recklessbehavior. that new buildings are built ina typical way does more harm than good in the improvement of people's being.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/248861/726103622.html


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