询价相关英语表达:询价书 request for quotation
报价询价 quoted price and inquiry
公开询价 open inquiry of the offer
一般询价 General Enquiry
询价的英语例句:1. Thank you for your inquiry.
2. Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation.
3. In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers.
在进出口交易中, 我们常向外商询价.
4. China National Silk Corporation received the inquiry sheet sent by a British company.
5. Need The are the detailed specs the solar street lights.

6. Inquiry is divided into two phases, preliminary inquiry and book building.
7. If you make an inquiry, we can offer you firm.
如果你询价, 我方将为你报实盘.
8. Direct shopping [ procurement ]: Procurement based on direct comparison of price quotations.
直接询价采购 [ 采购 ]: 在对报价直接比较的基础上进行的采购.
9. This is our inquiry sheet. Will you like to have a look?
这是我方询价单, 请您过目.
10. In return, the answers to inquiries should be prompt, courteous and helpful.
反过来, 对询价信的回复则应当及时 、 礼貌并且对对方有所帮助.
11. An old man asked the price for theater admission.
12. In response to an inquiry, quotations may be sent.
在答复询价时, 可寄送报价单.
13. This is our inquiry. Would you like to have a look?
这是询价单, 请您看一下.
14. We receive an inquiry for the goods to the firm.
15. We sent out an inquiry for the goods to the firm.