考研英语范文背诵 考研英语易考范文背诵100篇五



In the interesting drawing,

a beautifully-dressed woman is standing there,

a piece of red cloth covering her face.

However, when a man lifts the cloth, he is shocked to see an ugly face.

A word—advertisement—stands out on the cloth.

Obviously, the purpose of the drawing is to appeal to the public

for more concern about false advertising.

Now, we live in a world of advertisements,

which appear on mass media such as TV, radio, newspaper and magazine.

Usually, advertisers make a point of fine pictures, melodious music or charming stars,

which, in some cases, are merely a deceitful veil on fake merchandize.

Moreover, some advertisers boast about the effectiveness of the products,

but consumers sometimes are disappointed to find the products are not so good.

To solve the problem, my suggestions are as follows.

First, it is essential for consumers to use their reason to discern the authenticity of the ads.

In addition, advertisers should increase their awareness of public responsibility

to ensure the truthfulness of the ads they design.

At the same time, the media must ban ads as soon as they are found to be misleading and exaggerating.

Of course, we cannot solely rely on the morality of advertisers and the media,

because stronger supervision,

stricter laws and regulations play a more important role in eliminating deceptive advertisements.


In the above drawing, a patient

who is seriously ill pleads with a doctor

for donation to have his disease cured,

but the doctor, who insists on theprinciple

that the donation must be earmarked by

its specified purpose only, refuses him.

It seems to me that the picture aims to

criticize the inflexibility in applyingrules and regulations.

The flexibility does not exclusively exist

考研英语范文背诵 考研英语易考范文背诵100篇五

in distributing donation;

this phenomenon is rather wide-spread in the society.

Another case in point is that doctors

are not allowed to operate on patients

without the latter's family members' signature for approval.

It was reported that some patients died

when their relatives refused to sign and doctors,

mechanically conforming to the regulation,

did nothing but stand by,

though they were well aware of

the urgency of the situation.

As can be seen from the case,

rigidity might result in tragedies.

Similarly, great losses can be caused by

inflexible implementation of policies

without considering the characteristics of particular areas.

It is true that we are supposed to abide

by laws and regulations,

but under some special circumstances,

we should take humane or adaptable approaches,

which enable us to save more lives and avoid more loss.


In the above picture, when the family

step into their new apartment,

they are shocked to see big holes

in the walls and ceiling, from which theirneighbors,

who are fitting up their rooms,

apologize with beaming smile for havingbroken the walls.

A bit exaggerating though the picture is,

it undoubtedly aims to punctuate

the importance of morality.

It is true that in recent decades,

our nation has undergone great developments

in terms of economy, but meanwhile,

some people lack the awareness of moral values.

There is prevailing selfishness in the society,

where some people gain their happiness

at the cost of others' pain or turn a blind eye

to the misfortunes of the needy.

In contrast with the material wealth

we have been possessed of, the spiritual world

in which we dwell is like a wasteland,

void of direction and love.

By no means will a nation without ethnical standards

become really influential in the world,

and the value of morality must be emphasized

in the process of building a well-off society.

Additionally, only when we have a strong sense

of social responsibility,

remain united and help each other,

can we construct a harmonious society.


What we can see is a thought-provokingscene.

At an exhibition of letters to and fromfamily members,

it occurs to a college student that hehasn't written to his parents

since he was enrolled in college three years ago.

The scene confronts us with this question:

what can we do with handwritten letters,

a communication tool used to be important to people but now about to disappear?

In recent years,

handwritten letters gradually give way to other means of communication

such as telephone, cell phone and email,

mainly because the modern tools are faster and more convenient.

Just by pressing several keys,

people can talk to others or send messages to them in no time.

However, it takes people days, even weeks, to receive a letter.

But on the other hand, handwritten letters have advantages

over these technological products.

First, letters written by the sender himself can express more feelings

in his heart of hearts than the impersonal typed words.

As what people used to write in their letters,

seeing the words, see the person.

That is to say, when we are reading a letter,

it seems as if we had a face-to-face talk with the sender.

Moreover, letters are for us to taste and treasure.

Even a century later,

our later generations can read them and share our pain and joy.

My dear friend,

pick up a pen and write on a sheet of paper a few lines

to the one you care about. Because the time spent on writing a letter pays.


As is vividly depicted in the picture,

a man attempts to fill a basket withwater,

but water, which symbolizes lessonsdrawn

from the past failures according to thepicture,

leaks out of the holes of the basket.

It seems to me that this picture aims to

satirize those who fail to learn theirlessons

from the mistakes they have committed.

Ignoring the lessons derived from

our previous frustrations is a serious problem

both to the individuals and to the society.

As individuals, if we fail to incorporate

the experience into our life,

we will slip back into the old pattern

and repeat our mistakes. Similarly,

unable to assimilate former lessons,

the society is bound to get into bigger trouble.

It is known, for example, that about a decade ago

Beijing was subjected to an unprecedented sandstorm

resulting from the excessive deforestation

in the western part of China.

But recently some people are still cutting

trees blindly just to make money

without taking account of environment.

If they continue to do so,

they will encounter more destructive

environmental problems.Personally,

I think it is high time that we attached

more importance to past lessons so as to

avoid taking a roundabout route

in the process of development.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/249061/458527898.html


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