chasing the sun The Wanted - Chasing The Sun

歌手介绍: The Wanted ,英国著名男子偶像团体,团体组建于2009年。希望把自己标榜成特立独行的流行,即在通常的流行中加入摇滚、和独立乐队音乐的元素。签约环球音乐旗下。于2014年宣布解散,成员已开始各自单飞。

The Wanted - Chasing The Sun


I'm better

So much better now

I see the light, touch the light,

We're together now

I'm better

So much better now

Look to the skies, gives me life

We're together now

We've only just begun

Hypnotised by drums

Until forever comes

You'll find us chasing the sun

They said this day wouldn't come

We refused to run

We've only just begun

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

When Daylight's fading

We're gonna play in the dark

Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing

Can see you coming

And We'll never grow old again

You'll find us chasing the sun

I'm never

I'm never down

Lying here, staring up

And you're looking down

I'm never

I'm never down

Live forever, forever

With you around

We've only just begun

Hypnotised by drums

Until forever comes

You'll find us chasing the sun

They said this day wouldn't come

We refused to run

We've only just begun

chasing the sun The Wanted - Chasing The Sun

You'll find us chasing the sun

The sun, the sun, the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

When the Daylight's fading

We're gonna play in the dark

Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing

Can see you coming

And We'll never grow old again

You'll find us chasing the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun

When the Daylight's fading

We're gonna play in the dark

Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing

Can see you coming

And We'll never grow old again

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun


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