赏月英文怎么说 赏月用英语怎么说



admire the full moon


enjoy the glorious full moon


开始赏月 Began to celebrate the full moon


1. While appreciating the moon , the couple recounted their happy stories.


2. The family have supper together. After that, they watch the moon.

一家人在一起吃晚饭, 然后他们赏月.

3. On the Mid - Autumn Festival, they sat across from each other drinking.


4. On Mid - autumn Festival , people eat mooncakes and an the full moon.

在 中秋节 这天, 人们吃月饼和赏月.

5. We usually watchmoon with our family on Moon Festival.


6. In the tang dynasty, Autumn moon, playing in months.

在唐代, 中秋赏月 、 玩月颇为盛行.

7. Sometimes, we have BBQ. We enjoy the moonabout 9:00.

有时候, 我们会烧烤. 当到了9:00我们就会赏月.

赏月英文怎么说 赏月用英语怎么说

8. When was enjoying the moon the most prevailing on this evening?


9. People celebrate Mid - Autumn Day by eating moon cakes and admiring the moon.

人们吃月饼、赏月以庆祝 中秋节.

10. I also hope to see Auguest fifteenth . ( lunar canlander ).

可内心深处也知道明天 赏月 时的孤独与寂寞.

11. After, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon.

之后, 人们普通会一边分享美味的月饼一边赏月.

12. Our family will enjoy moon cakes watch the beautiful full moon together.


13. After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon.

然后, 人们总是会吃美味的月饼, 还有赏月.

14. What do people usually do at Mid - Autumn Festival ?

人们通常在 中秋节 做什么? 他们通常赏月.

15. A: They often have a party with their r ( relatives ) , eat moon cakes and w ( atch ) the moon.

他们通常和亲戚一起举行聚会, 边吃月饼边赏月.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/249461/928329276.html


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