W: Hey, Mike. You've been surfing the Net for quite a while. What on earth are you searching for?
M: It's something relative hackers. I often hear people talking about them, but I don't know much about them.
W: Well, roughly speaking, a hacker is a computer buff.
M: You mean a guy using enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the computer?
W: You can say that.
M: But why are people always having such a negative attitude towards them?
W: They must have mixed hackers with crackers.
M: What is crackers then?
W: There is another group of people who loudly call themselves hackers, but they aren't. They break into computers and break the phone system. Real hackers call these people "crackers", and want nothing to do with them.
M: So they are two totally different concepts.
W: Well, the real hackers mostly think crackers are lazy, irresponsible and not very bright, and feel that being able to break security does make you a hacker any more than being able to start cars without keys makes you an automotive engineer. Unfortunately, many journalists and writers have been fooled into using the word "hacker" to describe crackers. This irritates real hackers to no end.
M: I see. Then the basic different is: hackers build things, crackers break them.
W: You got it.
M: Thanks a lot.
W: You are welcome.
W: We need to figure out how much money we are spending and what we are spending it on?
M: Why?
W: Well, I think we could be saving more.
M: Really? Well. Ok. Get the receipts out.
W: Let's see. We spent 700 dollars for our home loan payment, 400 on groceries, 75 on utilities, 250 on gasoline, 100 on books and 300 on entertainment last month.
M: That's 1,825 dollars.
W: We put 500 into the savings account and 750 into our stock account.
M: 3,075. Our paychecks are 3300 combined. That means we don't have any receipts for 225.
W: Right.
M: Ok, so where do you think we can save more money?
W: Well, we could eat in more. That 300 dollars for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.
M: Yeah. That’s a good idea and you like to cook. What about the books?
W: No, I need my books.
M: Come on. If we save more money, we can retire earlier and you’ll actually have time to read all those books you buy.
W: Well, what about the 50 you spent on a shirt? You could have gotten something for less.
M: Ok. Let's compromise. If you agree to only spend 75 on books, I'll agree to only spend 40 for my next shirt.
W: All right. That sounds fair.
D: Can you lend me some money?
C: I am sorry. I've already gone through my paycheck for the week.

D: You’ve gone through all your money so quickly? I thought you were well-off.
C: Not me. You know money always burns a hole in my pocket.
A: Hey, let's eat out tonight.
B: What's the occasion? You won the lottery?
A: No. Just want to relax a little bit. You don't have to win the lottery to relax, do you?
B: Well, I am kind of broke.
A: Come on. It's on me.
B: Really? It's very nice of you.
A: Don't be silly. I'll take you anywhere you wanna go.
B: Wonderful! You know what? I wish you wanted to relax everyday.
A: Dream on!