中英文诗歌朗诵 中英文诗歌朗诵材料精选



a song of a prince deposed

du fu

along the wall of the capital a white-headed crow

flies to the gate where autumn enters and screams there in the night,

then turns again and pecks among the roofs of a tall mansion

whose lord, a mighty mandarin, has fled before the tartars,

with his golden whip now broken, his nine war-horses dead

and his own flesh and bone scattered to the winds....

there's a rare ring of green coral underneath the vest

of a prince at a street-corner, bitterly sobbing,

who has to give a false name to anyone who asks him-

just a poor fellow, hoping for employment.

a hundred days' hiding in grasses and thorns

show on his body from head to foot.

but, since their first emperor, all with hooknoses,

these dragons look different from ordinary men.

wolves are in the palace now and dragons are lost in the desert --

o prince, be very careful of your most sacred person!

i dare not address you long, here by the open road,

nor even to stand beside you for more than these few moments.

last night with the spring-wind there came a smell of blood;

the old capital is full of camels from the east.

our northern warriors are sound enough of body and of hand --

oh, why so brave in olden times and so craven now?

our emperor, we hear, has given his son the throne

and the southern border-chieftains are loyally inclined

and the huamen and limian tribes are gathering to avenge us.

but still be careful-keep yourself well hidden from the dagger.

unhappy prince, i beg you, be constantly on guard --

till power blow to your aid from the five imperial tombs.



长安城头头白乌, 夜飞延秋门上呼;

又向人家啄大屋, 屋底达官走避胡。

金鞭断折九马死, 骨肉不待同驰驱。

腰下宝玦青珊瑚, 问之不肯道姓名,

中英文诗歌朗诵 中英文诗歌朗诵材料精选


已经百日窜荆棘, 身上无有完肌肤。

高帝子孙尽隆准, 龙种自与常人殊。

豺狼在邑龙在野, 王孙善保千金躯。

不敢长语临交衢, 且为王孙立斯须。

昨夜东风吹血腥, 东来橐驼满旧都。

朔方健儿好身手, 昔何勇锐今何愚?

窃闻天子已传位, 圣德北服南单于。

花门剺面请雪耻, 慎勿出口他人狙。

哀哉王孙慎勿疏, 五陵佳气无时无。


a song of peach-blossom river

wang wei

a fisherman is drifting, enjoying the spring mountains,

and the peach-trees on both banks lead him to an ancient source.

watching the fresh-coloured trees, he never thinks of distance

till he comes to the end of the blue stream and suddenly- strange men!

it's a cave-with a mouth so narrow that he has to crawl through;

but then it opens wide again on a broad and level path --

and far beyond he faces clouds crowning a reach of trees,

and thousands of houses shadowed round with flowers and bamboos....

woodsmen tell him their names in the ancient speech of han;

and clothes of the qin dynasty are worn by all these people

living on the uplands, above the wuling river,

on farms and in gardens that are like a world apart,

their dwellings at peace under pines in the clear moon,

until sunrise fills the low sky with crowing and barking.

...at news of a stranger the people all assemble,

and each of them invites him home and asks him where he was born.

alleys and paths are cleared for him of petals in the morning,

and fishermen and farmers bring him their loads at dusk....

they had left the world long ago, they had come here seeking refuge;

they have lived like angels ever since, blessedly far away,

no one in the cave knowing anything outside,

outsiders viewing only empty mountains and thick clouds.

...the fisherman, unaware of his great good fortune,

begins to think of country, of home, of worldly ties,

finds his way out of the cave again, past mountains and past rivers,

intending some time to return, when he has told his kin.

he studies every step he takes, fixes it well in mind,

and forgets that cliffs and peaks may vary their appearance.

...it is certain that to enter through the deepness of the mountain,

a green river leads you, into a misty wood.

but now, with spring-floods everywhere and floating peachpetals --

which is the way to go, to find that hidden source?



渔舟逐水爱山春, 两岸桃花夹古津。

坐看红树不知远, 行尽青溪不见人。

山口潜行始隈隩, 山开旷望旋平陆。

遥看一处攒云树, 近入千家散花竹。

樵客初传汉姓名, 居人未改秦衣服。

居人共住武陵源, 还从物外起田园。

月明松下房栊静, 日出云中鸡犬喧。

惊闻俗客争来集, 竞引还家问都邑。

平明闾巷扫花开, 薄暮渔樵乘水入。

初因避地去人间, 及至成仙遂不还。

峡里谁知有人事, 世中遥望空云山。

不疑灵境难闻见, 尘心未尽思乡县。

出洞无论隔山水, 辞家终拟长游衍。

自谓经过旧不迷, 安知峰壑今来变。

当时只记入山深, 青溪几曲到云林。

春来遍是桃花水, 不辨仙源何处寻。


a song of a girl from loyang

wang wei

there's a girl from loyang in the door across the street,

she looks fifteen, she may be a little older.

...while her master rides his rapid horse with jade bit an bridle,

her handmaid brings her cod-fish in a golden plate.

on her painted pavilions, facing red towers,

cornices are pink and green with peach-bloom and with willow,

canopies of silk awn her seven-scented chair,

and rare fans shade her, home to her nine-flowered curtains.

her lord, with rank and wealth and in the bud of life,

exceeds in munificence the richest men of old.

he favours this girl of lowly birth, he has her taught to dance;

and he gives away his coral-trees to almost anyone.

the wind of dawn just stirs when his nine soft lights go out,

those nine soft lights like petals in a flying chain of flowers.

between dances she has barely time for singing over the songs;

no sooner is she dressed again than incense burns before her.

those she knows in town are only the rich and the lavish,

and day and night she is visiting the hosts of the gayest mansions.

...who notices the girl from yue with a face of white jade,

humble, poor, alone, by the river, washing silk?



洛阳女儿对门居, 才可容颜十五余。

良人玉勒乘骢马, 侍女金盘脍鲤鱼。

画阁朱楼尽相望, 红桃绿柳垂檐向。

罗帷送上七香车, 宝扇迎归九华帐。

狂夫富贵在青春, 意气骄奢剧季伦。

自怜碧玉亲教舞, 不惜珊瑚持与人。

春窗曙灭九微火, 九微片片飞花璅。

戏罢曾无理曲时, 妆成祇是薰香坐。

城中相识尽繁华, 日夜经过赵李家。

谁怜越女颜如玉, 贫贱江头自浣纱。


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