running james bay James Bay《Running》歌词


  When my heart is ready to burst,

  When the world spins in reverse

  I'll keep running

  To the place where I belong

  When you go, turn down the light

  No one's here to hold you in the night

  I'll keep running

  To the place where I belong

  When you think you're on your own

  I'm still coming home!

  When our picture fades in the SUN

  And all the colors blur in the one

  I'll keep running

  To the place where I belong

running james bay James Bay《Running》歌词

  When you think you're on your own

  I'm still coming home!

  When your all gets blinded

  When you fold with the cards

  No, I'll never stop fighting

  To get to where you are!

  Wherever we go

  Wherever we go

  Wherever we go

  Wherever we go

  Wherever we go

  Wherever we go

  When the lights are faded to black

  Only stars are guiding me back

  I'll keep running

  To the place I belong

  When you think you're on your own

  I'm still coming home

  When you think you're on your own

  I'm still coming home


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