简单的英语对话录音 简单英语小短文对话



DETECTIVE: OK. Mr. Learner. Pick up your driver's license. We're going.MARTIN: Where are we going?

DETECTIVE: We're going to the hotel. We're going to find your car.

MARTIN: My car is not there. It's missing.

DETECTIVE: I know, I know. But I'm going to look.

WOMAN: Take your coat.

MARTIN: Thank you.

DETECTIVE: Tell me the color of your car.

MARTIN: It's blue.

DETECTIVE: Tell me what kind of car.

MARTIN: It's a Ford.

DETECTIVE: Give me your keys. Wait here. I'm going to look for your car.DETECTIVE: There is no blue Ford.

MARTIN: I know! It's not here. It's missing.

DETECTIVE: First I looked upstairs. Then I looked downstairs.

MARTIN: I looked upstairs. And I looked downstairs. It's missing!

简单英语小短文对话:In a Small Town

MARTIN: Good afternoon. I'm Martin Learner.

ASSISTANT: Good afternoon, Mr. Learner. I'm Mayor Walker's assistant. The Mayor is expecting you. Please go in.

MARTIN: Thank you. Good afternoon, Mayor Walker.

MAYOR: Hello. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine, thanks, How are you?

MAYOR: Fine, thanks. What can I do for you?

MARTIN: I'm a reporter. I want to talk about the work people do in this town.MAYOR: Fine.

MARTIN: How long have you been mayor of Greentown?

MAYOR: Three years.

MARTIN: How many people live in Greentown?

MAYOR: Thirteen thousand.

MARTIN: Let's talk about the work people do. What do they do?

MAYOR: They work in small factories. They work in small businesses.MARTIN: How many factories do you have?

MAYOR: We have five small factories.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: Look at these pictures. See these people?


MAYOR: They work in the battery factory. They make batteries.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: They work in the tire factory. They make tires.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: They work in the glass factory. They make windows and windshields.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: They make bottles. And they make plastic bags. Come see the town.

MARTIN: Thank you, I'd like that.

MAYOR: Do you see those people? They work on the roads and streets.MARTIN: I see. How many teachers do you have?

MAYOR: About one-hundred. They teach in the schools. Look at that school.

MARTIN: Is it a new school?

MAYOR: Yes, it is. Twenty teachers teach in that school.

MARTIN: Is that a hospital?

MAYOR: Yes, it is. It's small. Twenty-three nurses work in the hospital.


马 丁:下午好!我是马丁·勒纳。

助 手:下午好,勒纳先生。我是沃克市长的助手。市长正等你呢!请进。

马 丁:谢谢。下午好。沃克市长。

市 长:你好,你怎么样?

马 丁:很好,谢谢。你怎么样?

市 长:很好,谢谢。我能为你做什么?

马 丁:我是个记者,我想和你谈谈这个城市的人们所做的工作。

市 长:好的。

马 丁:你担任格林市市长有多久了?

市 长:3年了。

马 丁:格林市有多少居民?

市 长:一万三千人。

马 丁:让我们谈谈他们的工作吧。他们都做什么工作呢?

市 长:他们在小工厂里上班。他们在小企业上班。

马 丁:你们有多少厂子?

市 长:我们有5个小厂。

马 丁:生产什么?

市 长:看看这些照片,看到这些人了?

马 丁:是的。

市 长:他们在电池厂工作,生产电池。

马 丁:他们做什么?

市 长:他在轮胎厂工作,生产轮胎。

马 丁:他们生产什么?

市 长:他们在玻璃厂工作,生产窗玻璃和挡风玻璃。

马 丁:他们生产什么?

市 长:他们生产瓶子。他们生产塑料袋。来看看这座城市。

马 丁:谢谢。我很愿意。

市 长:看到那些人了吗?他们在街道上作业。

马 丁:我看到了。你们有多少教师?

市 长:大约100。他们在学校教书。看那所学校。

马 丁:是所新学校吗?

市 长:是的。有20名教师在那里教书。

马 丁:那是个医院吗?

市 长:是的。小医院。有23名护士。


MARTIN: Mayor Walker, how many small businesses do you have?

MAYOR: About two-hundred twenty. People work in stores and shops. They work in banks. They work in restaurants and bars. They work in the Post Office. They work in bakeries.

MARTIN: What do they make in the bakeries?

MAYOR: They bake bread and cakes. Do you see that man there?


MAYOR: He's a writer.

MARTIN: Where does he write?

MAYOR: He writes for the newspaper.

MARTIN: I see a photographer.

MAYOR: Yes, she works for the newspaper.

MARTIN: Who are those women?

MAYOR: They're workers.

MARTIN: Where do they work?

MAYOR: They work at the plastic factory.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: They make plastic bags.

MARTIN: Who are those men?

MAYOR: They're workers too.

MARTIN: Where do they work?

MAYOR: They work at the tire factory.

MARTIN: Who are they?

MAYOR: They're students.

MARTIN: Where do they study?

MAYOR: They study at the high school.

MARTIN: They're good musicians, too! Who are those children?

MAYOR: They're students, too. They're going to sing.

MAYOR: Do you see those men?

MARTIN: Yes. Who are they?

MAYOR: They're carpenters.

MARTIN: Oh, yes. I see.

MAYOR: We have many carpenters.

MARTIN: Those men work on the roads and streets.


MARTIN: Who are those women?

MAYOR: They're workers.

MARTIN: Where do they work?

MAYOR: They work in the glass factory.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: They make windows and windshields.

MARTIN: Where do they work?

MAYOR: They work in the bottle factory.

MARTIN: What do they make?

简单的英语对话录音 简单英语小短文对话

MAYOR: They make bottles.

MARTIN: Where do they work?

MAYOR: They work in the tire factory.

MARTIN: What do they make?

MAYOR: They make tires. Where do you work?

MARTIN: I work at the“Voice of America”. Thank you for your time, Mayor Walker.

马 丁:沃克市长,你们有多少家小企业。

市 长:大约220家。人们在商店里工作,在银行里工作,

市 长:在餐馆里和酒吧里工作,在邮局工作,在面包店工作。

马 丁:他们在面包店里做什么?

市 长:他们烤面包和蛋糕,你看见那个男的了吗?

马 丁:是的。

市 长:他是个作家。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/250961/186052131.html


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