tear sb a new one = tear sb a new asshole = rip sb a new one =rip sb a newasshole:
tear you a new one是俚语中一句霸气的狠话,其完整形式是tear you a new asshole。意思是敢惹老子的话老子给你丫再开个菊花。
tear anew one:

to verbally attack someone; "rip(one) a new asshole".
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tear a newonetear a new oneTo tear someone (or get torn) a new asshole. Generally used whenyou can't say asshole.My boss reallytore me a newoneafter I lost theclient.
To get beat bad, massacred or justplainraped.Grrr... I'll tear a new one foryou!
Dang... that other team just tore us a newone!
If you break this i will tear you a new one!
tear anew one:
to verbally attack someone; "rip(one) a new asshole".
My boss reallytore me a newoneafter I lost theclient.