China´s Air Pollution ActionPlanPollutionPreventionActionPlan”《 大气污染防治行动计划 》
Published By State Council ofChina, September 10, 2013
In September 2013, the StateCouncil issued a "Ten specific measures" to introduce a number ofimportant governance initiatives curbing haze
Ten specificmeasures as follows are identified to achieve theobjectives outlined in China´s Air Pollution Prevention ActionPlan
一是加大综合治理力度,减少多污染物排放。全面整治燃煤小锅炉,加快重点行业脱硫、脱硝、除尘改造工程建设。综合整治城市扬尘和餐饮油烟污染。加快淘汰黄标车和老旧车辆,大力发展公共交通,推广新能源汽车,加快提升燃油品质。 | No.1. Enhance the comprehensivetreatment in the following aspects to reduce the multi-pollutantemissions: ●scrapor renovate small coal-firedboilers ●speed up the renovation ofdesulfurization, de-nitrification and dusts removal in keyindustries ●treat urban flying dustsand restaurantcookingfumepollutionin a comprehensive way ●speed up elimination of oldvehicles ●expand publictransportcoverage ●popularize newenergyvehicles ●upgrade the fuels | |
二是调整优化产业结构,推动经济转型升级。严控高耗能、高排放行业新增产能,加快淘汰落后产能,坚决停建产能严重过剩行业违规在建项目。 | No.2. Adjust and optimize theindustrial structure and push the economic restructuring andupgrading: ●strictly control the increasein production capacity of industries with high energy consumptionand/or high emission ![]() ●accelerate the elimination ofbackward production capacity ●resolutely stop theconstruction of industries projects that are of excess capacityseriously, orunderconstructioninviolationof the law | |
三是加快企业技术改造,提高科技创新能力。大力发展循环经济,培育壮大节能环保产业,促进重大环保技术装备、产品的创新开发与产业化应用。 | No.3.Accelerate thetechnological renovation and improve the technical innovationability of the enterprises: ●vigorously develop thecircular economy ●foster the energy-saving andenvironmental-friendly industry ●promotetheinnovationdevelopmentandindustrialapplicationof the major environmentalprotection equipment and products | |
四是加快调整能源结构,增加清洁能源供应。到2017年,煤炭占能源消费总量比重降到65%以下。京津冀、长三角、珠三角等区域力争实现煤炭消费总量负增长。 | No.4. Accelerate the adjustmentof energy structure and increase the supply of clean energy by2017: ●cut theproportionofcoalintotalenergyconsumptiondownto65or less ●achievenegativegrowthoftotalcoal consumption in major cities and key regions as Beijing,TianjinandHebeiProvince,theYangtzeRiverDelta,and PearlRiverDelta, etc. | |
五是严格投资项目节能环保准入,提高准入门槛,优化产业空间布局,严格限制在生态脆弱或环境敏感地区建设“两高”行业项目。 | No.5. Tighten investment accessto energy saving projects: ●raise entrythreshold ●optimize industrial spacelayout ●restrict construction of "highenergy and high pollution" industrial projects in ecologicallyfragile areas or environmentally sensitive regions | |
六是发挥市场机制作用,完善环境经济政策。中央财政设立专项资金,实施以奖代补政策。调整完善价格、税收等方面的政策,鼓励民间和社会资本进入大气污染防治领域。 | No.6. Make full play of themarket mechanism, and improve the environmental economicpolicies: ●set up central governmentspecial funds to implement the policy of incentives instead ofsubsidies ●adjust and improve thepolicies in prices and taxes ●encourage private and socialcapital to enter the field of air pollution controlindustry | |
七是健全法律法规体系,严格依法监督管理。国家定期公布重点城市空气质量排名,建立重污染企业环境信息强制公开制度。提高环境监管能力,加大环保执法力度。 | No.7.Amplify thelegalandregulationsystem,and exercise supervision andmanagement instrictaccordancewiththelaw: ●regularlypublishnationalair quality rankings formajor cities ●establish mandatoryenvironmental information disclosure system for heavily pollutingenterprises ●improve environmentalregulatory capacity ●enhance environmental lawenforcement | |
八是建立区域协作机制,统筹区域环境治理。京津冀、长三角区域建立大气污染防治协作机制,国务院与各省级政府签订目标责任书,进行年度考核,严格责任追究。 | No.8. Establish a regionalcooperation mechanism devoted to co-ordinate regional environmentalgovernance: ●set up an air pollutionprevention cooperation network among Beijing, Tianjin , HebeiProvince and the Yangtze River Delta ●sign Letter of Commitment toair pollution prevention targets between the State Council and theindividual provincial governments to conduct annual assessment andstrict responsibility accountability | |
九是建立监测预警应急体系,制定完善并及时启动应急预案,妥善应对重污染天气。 | No.9. Establish a monitoring,early warning and contingencyplansystem: ●create well-developedemergency response with timelystartability ●properly cope with heavilypolluted weather | |
十是明确各方责任,动员全民参与,共同改善空气质量。 | No.10. Identify clearresponsibility of the concerned parties to mobilize publicparticipation in a joint effort to improve the airquality. |