Bush Jr., BenjaminNetanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrestedsoon
The arrest ofnazionist mass murderers like George Bush Jr. and BenjaminNetanyahu and their fellow cabalists is imminent, according toMossad and other sources. These criminals and their fellow topcabalists have already been banned from traveling to over 180countries and soon will be banned from traveling outside of theirjail cells, the sources said.
The downing of remotecontrolled Israeli owned so-called “Malaysian Airlines flightMH17,” filled with dead and decomposing bodies, was one dirty tricktoo many for the nazionists and a turning point against them hasnow been reached within the world’s secret agencies andgovernments, according to multiple sources.
What we first saw inSyria were are now seeing in the Ukraine; a failed attempt to use amanufactured incident to start a war. The nazionists created “Saringas attacks on civilians” in Syria and now “dead HIV scientists” inthe Ukraine and used it to try to fool the US military intoattacking. Only this time in the Ukraine, even more so than was thecase with Syria, nobody is taking the bait.

We can see this inthe nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia”PR campaign. For example, UK nazionist puppet Prime Minister DavidCameron has asked German PM Angela Merkel and French PresidentFrancois to press for more sanctions against Russia’s VladimirPutin but this is just a PR stunt according to MI5 sources. Cameronhad to do that because he was being blackmailed by a nazionistmedia baron with threats to publicizehis cocaine habit and hiswife’s heroin addiction, the sources continued.
In any case, in thepast such a public campaign by nazionist puppet leaders and thecorporate propaganda media was used to condition the masses toaccept an up-coming military event. Now though, nobody is buyingit. No army is ready to do their bidding and even most the hiredgoons have stopped listening to them.
Furthemore, theinternet and social media part of the nazionist campaign to vilifyRussia “has been a total wipeout,” say sources in MI5 and otheragencies. For example: the U-Tube presented as proof of rebel andRussian cooperation was shown to have date stamps from before theshootdown, the tweets from “a Spanish air traffic controller inUkraine” actually came from London , the internet Putinassassination angle was fake ( Putin is too smart to overflyUkraine) and the film being shown of the plane being shot down wasfrom the daytime even though the plane was supposed to have beenshot down at night. They are clearly losing the plot.
This entire“Malaysian plane” incident is being managed out of the StateDepartment and by the Rand corporation, according to US based CIAsources.
Now Germany andFrance are so disgusted by the nazionist stunts being run out ofWashington D.C. and Tel Aviv, they have decided to join the BRICSalliance, according to CIA sources in Europe. The Germans andFrench are systematically purging their governments of nazionistagents.
And for good reason.The fake Malaysian plane filled with bodies from the morgue stuntwas the nazionist response to the announcement last week by theBRICS nations they had set up a development bank and a financialstabilization fund as a way to by-pass the cabal controlled WorldBank and IMF. Think about it, here we have a group supported byover 188 nations announcing a plan to peacefully build economicinfrastructure and the US and Israeli nazionists puppet governmentsreact by shooting down a plane. Huh?
The other reactionswere to brutalize the Gaza strip and keep pumping up a fakeimmigrant crisis in the US.
Furthermore, the WDSwas also sent a whole new series of threats by these nazioniststhugs last week. According to the latest threats “World War 3 hasstarted,” the “US armed forces are ready to invade Russia,” etc. Donot believe it for a minute. As mentioned before, the armed forcesof Russia, China, the United States and elsewhere have already cometo an agreement to never let themselves be fooled into startinganother world war.
Also, the campaign torebrand the Muslim Brotherhood as ISIS is falling apart as the evermore ridiculous pronouncements coming out of ISIS via Jerusalem arebecoming a joke. Check out this link for an example:
What we arewitnessing is clearly the end game for the nazionists. Let us recapsome of the big changes that have taken place in the campaign tooust these psychopathic killers from the top levels of world power.The Queen of the Netherlands plus the Kings of Spain and Belgiumhave resigned, the top Warburg family member committed suicide,Richard Rockefeller died, Senator J. Rockefeller resigned, popemalevolent resigned, 200 nazi US military officers have been fired,former French President Sarkozy was arrested and now, last week 660pedophiles were arrested in the UK. The Vatican has also fired over400 pedophiles and is continuing a major purge of the Catholicchurch. The Vatican bank, which was used by the cabal to bribeworld leaders, has shut down over 3000 corrupt accounts.
We also received ane-mail last week from a source in a major charitable foundation whosaid “Bush Sr. passed away on Friday apparently from foodpoisoning, I hear bad fish. This has been confirmed via hispersonal security. It should hit the news sometime this week.”However, subsequently he was trotted out for a photograph in alocal newspaper near his family’s estate in Maine.
In the picturenazionist Fuhrer Bush Sr. appears to be resorting to his old trickof acting senile, which he is not. Bush is not going to avoidarrest by pretending to be a poor senile old man; he is one ofhistory’s worst mass murderers and will face justice, you can counton it.
The slow unravelingof the nazionist stealth takeover of the United States willcontinue its now unstoppable path. The Zionist brainwashed slavecolony known as Israel will also be freed. If the so-called Jews(the word did not exist until the 19th century) study the historyof Babylon they will found out that circumcision was historicallysomething that was done to the males of defeated slave races. TheEuropeans who have been brainwashed into thinking they came fromancient Judea will be set free. The world as a whole is well alongin the process of being freed from Babylonian debtslavery.
There is expected tobe a lot going on this autumn after a summer lull. Hopefully, if weall push for it, we will finally have or fall of the Berlin wall,or fall of the Babylon Fed Ziggurat, type of event in the USthen.