link,connect,join,combine,unite 用法辨析
1)link联接;联系(指不同事物间的联系)。常用be linked with与……有联系
linkup (with)联接; 结合
Link和connect 含有一种牢固的连接或附着的意思,但是其中每一组分仍保留其特性
Theinterest of his is linked with that of thecountry.他的利益同国家的利益联系在一起。
Thenew bridge will link the island to themainland.新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。
Thetwo families linked up through the marriage of a daughter andson.那两家因他们子女结为婚姻而联结起来。
Thenew company linked with several older ones inself-protection.那家新公司与几家较老的公司联合以保护自己。
Linkn. 环节; 纽带,连接:连接的元素;联系或情结;关联;关系; 联系:因果关系;依存关系;
grandparents, ourlink with the past.祖辈们,我们与过去的纽带
TheAlumnae Association is my link to the school's presentadministration.女校友协会是我和现在学校行政部门之间的纽带。
Researchers havedetected a link between smoking and heartdisease.研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之间的关系。
TheAlumnae Association is my link to the school's presentadministration.女校友协会是我和现在学校行政部门之间的纽带。
Somefilms combine education withrecreation.有些电影能融教育于娱乐之中。
Connect the gasstove with the gas pipe.将煤气炉和煤气管接起来。
connect Dalian withthe sea提到大连就想到海
Their families arenow connected by marriage.他们两家现已联姻。
Iwas again connected to the wrongperson.又给我接错了电话。
3)combinev. (使)联合,(使)结合;n. 联合企业, 联合收割机
combine theory withpractice使理论与实践相结合
combine hydrogenwith oxygen使氢氧化合
acombined operation多兵种联合作战
becombined in化合成
becombined with与...结合着
4)joinvi. 参加, 结合, 加入;vt.连接, 结合, 参加, 加入;n. 连接, 结合,接合点连接(是指把分离的两者连接在一起)。
Thechildren joined hands.孩子们拉起手来。
Jointhe union, girls, and together say:Equal Pay for Equal Work.姑娘们,参加工会,一齐要求同工同酬。

join…to把……与……相联接。如:Pleasejoin the wries up.请把电线接好。
Let's unite againstthe common enemy.让我们团结起来反对共同的敌人。
6)Relate refers to connection of persons throughmarriage or kinship表示人通过婚姻或亲属关系联系起来(
Though they havethe same surname, the two are not related.虽然他们姓氏相同,这两人却没有任何亲缘关系。
Thetwo events seem to be related. 这两个事件似乎有关联。
His daughter is associated with him in business.在买卖事务中他女儿和他是伙伴。
I can forgive his bluntness because it is associated with a basickindliness of spirit.我可以原谅他的直言不讳,因为这与一种本质上的内心善良有关
由...联想到..., 把...联系起来
associate one thingwith another把某一事与另一事联系起来
Weassociate China with the Greet Wall.我们想起中国,就联想到长城。
交往,结交;结伙, 参加, 联合
Don't associatewith dishonest boys.不要和不诚实的孩子结交。
7)unite 成为一体; 合一;联合;团结; 一致; 协力;混合.
Working men of allcountries, unite!全世界无产者, 联合起来!
Oiland water will not unite.油和水不相融。
England andScotland united in 1706.英格兰和苏格兰在1706年合并。