200000 workers expelled from HtanGaing oil-field
Monday, 16 September 2013 14:27 MizzimaNews -Mizzima News
Over 200000 oil well workers,oil well drilling workers, vendors and crude oil traders receivednotice letters to leave the Htan Gaing oilfield in Minhla Township,Magwe Region by September 16. The vendors have been told to leavethe oilfield by September 14.

The unsigned notice issued onSeptember 9 states that Section 144 of the Criminal Procedural Code(CrPC) has been imposed around the oilfield, banning assembly ofmore than five people in the area. It further states that crude oilis a natural resource owned by the state and no one is authorizedby the government to extract it.
The Secretary of Magwe Regiongovernment was contacted on September 15 for comments but wasunreachable.
The Htan Gaing oilfield areawas previously owned by 27 farmers. In 2007, the government seized71 acres of farmlands and gave it to private companies to extractcrude oil. Section 144 of CrPC was imposed in the area at that timetoo.
Than Htike, an activist whohas been helping the farmers said that the authorities gave theseland back to their previous owners on April 29 after undergroundcrude oil deposits was exhausted.
Thereafter, some of thefarmers drilled wells in their property and some sold their land.The farmers had appealed to the President and ministries concernedto let them work in the oilfields officially, Than Htikeadded.
Oil well drilling worker TunMyint said that the eviction order was not received through properchannel or from an authority.
“The letter does notmention any governmental department as issuing authority. It washanded over from one person to another,” he said.
Local oil workers said thatmore than 100 policemen had been deployed in the oil field areasince September 10 and security has been beefedup.
Volunteers helping thefarmers and workers in Htan Gaing oilfield told Mizzima that over200000 workers rely on the oilfield for livelihood and wanted theeviction order revoked, since the Htan Gaing area has been renderedbarren and unsuitable for farming crops.