legends ofthe fall
All Iwanna say is that this film is the best movie I've seen during thissemester, which should be correct for it also won the academy awardfor bast picture. When I say this one is the best because as I growup with millions of all kinds of movies, I can hardly find amovie that really touch me make me feel just the same with thecharactors. However this one legends of fall did it. It make mefeel excited and powerful when triston fighting andkilling,sad and pain when Bad things happened to this family.
For a longtime, this is the first time i fell myself is still a warm-bloodedhuman. when triston shot the German who killed Samuel and when hisfamily at last avenge Isabel, I'm wholeheatedly elated. the reasonwhy this film can manage to do this is that the western sceneshowed in the first part of the movie paves the way to bring theviewers into this open prapries and wild spirit. Just likemost of the other western movies, legends of fall has thesefeatures, wildness, beautiful natural scenary,cattle and herds, cowboy, gunshooting, bravery and adventure. Soall of these, not forgeting triston's wild long hair, pull my heartstring.
If weregard this as a love tragdy, which I reluctantly agree. the lovebetween susannah and three brother is so realistic and true that itis far more than a love tradgy for teenage girl. on the contrary,Isabel 2 is the one who bring trison peace. and there are 2 warmscens that let me feel peaceful. One is trison get isabel and twokids to the city, with boy riding on his shoulder and little girlbeing taken in mom's arm. another is that after strokes, colonelwrites down happy on his blackboard when he meets hisson.
All thegetting out of emotion that touched viewers is because anotherimportant movie feature, music. the melody appear at the very startof the movie when the indian trying to tell us a story, listeningthe music just like we are listening a soul-stirring story longlongago. I can remeber one of the warm scens when suanna saw tristion's son sammual who has the same name of her fiance. there themelody was played by vilion that silky violin's tone really touchthe tenderness of my heart when susan said samual was very braveand very good and then little sam said grand pa said thesame.