The Division of Enrollment Management
Updated: 8/22/2011
1 Academic Advisor(学术指导)
Howdo I find out who my advisor is?
myUCA,Self-Service, Student Information contact Academic AdvisingCenter
(HarrinHall) 450-5149
Where canI find answers to my advising questions?
myUCA, Academic Advising Center, Resources
2 Academic Assistance/Tutoring(学术帮助/辅导)
Where doI go to get academic assistance?
See “Tutoring” under Ato Z on www.uca.edu
Check myUCA, AcademicAdvising Center,Resources for Students
Academic SuccessCenter (Main Hall basement),
The Writing Center(Thompson Hall), or academic departments to ask abouttutoring
Talk to yourfaculty!
3 Address/Contact Information(住址/联系信息)
Howdo I update my address/phone/etc.?
OnmyUCA or complete a change-of-address form at Office of Registrar(McCastlain
4 Bills from the University(大学账单)
Wheredo I get information about my bill?
OnmyUCA, Self-Service or through Student Accounts (McCastlain Hall)450 – 5015
Welcome Week: SA is in McCastlain Ballroom!
5 Campus Activities/Involvement(校园活动)
Howdo I get involved? Who can tell me what thereisto
doon campus?
Office of Student Life (Student Center 207); Facebook; Mentors andHousing staff;
RSO Fair
6 Catalog/Course information(课程信息)
Wherecan I get a catalog (Undergraduate Bulletin) or
course and program
Findthe Bulletin on the A to Z on www.uca.edu, Or go to: myUCA,Academic Advising
Center, Resources forStudents
7 Classes(课程安排)
Where can I find my schedule or get answers about my
myUCA, Self-Service or from your AcademicAdvisor
8 Computers(计算机服务)
Howdo I get access to myUCA?
Where do I get my email address?
myUCA, Self-Service
Where do I go if I forget my password or username?
IT Helpdesk (Burdick Hall 106 or website),450-3107
Where can I find a list of computer labs?
IT Helpdesk (Burdick Hall 106 or website), 450-3107
Whodo I talk to about having a computer in my room?
IT Helpdesk (Burdick Hall 106 or website), 450-3107
9 Counseling(心理咨询服务)
Whocan I talk to about adjusting to university life?
CounselingServices, Student Health building, 450-3138
Relationshipconcerns? Stress and anxiety?Depression?
Counseling Services, Student Health building, 450-3138
10 Disabilities(残疾服务)
Wheredo I seek assistance if I have a disability?
Office of Disability Support (Student Health building),450-3613
Where do I get temporary disability parking tags?
UCA Police Department
11 Diversity(多元文化活动)
Where can I find information on cultural events and
Multicultural Services Office (Bernard 112;website)
12 Employment(校内外兼职信息)
Howdo I find a job on or off campus?
Career Services (Bernard 311) providespostings;
Dean of Students will advertise for on-campusjobs (Student Health 210);
Contact individual academic departments, library, cafeteria,etc.
13 Enroll or Change Schedule(注册或更改课程安排)
Howdo I enroll or change my schedule?
First-semester freshmen – contact advisor; others use myUCA,Self-Service
14 Financial Aid(助学金)
Wheredo I find answers to my questions about applying for
financial aid?
*Welcome Week: FA is in the Fireplace Room!!
myUCA, Self-Service or see uca.edu/financialaid/
Financial Aid office (lower level of McCastlain)
When do I complete the 2012-2013 FAFSA?
Anytime after January 1, 2012 (and as early as possible before theFall semester
15 Food(饮食)
Wherecan I eat on campus?
StudentCenter Food Court, Christian Cafeteria, Bear Express (BurdickHall),
Smoothie Bar(Farris Jr. Hall), Starbucks (Library), Java City(Business 、
College), C-Stores (Student Center, Farris Jr. Hall, Bear Village)
Where can I purchase or change a meal plan?
Student Housing (Bernard 201)
What are the dining hours?
See Dining Services channel on myUCA or website
16 Housing and Residence Life(宿舍生活)
Howdo I change rooms?
Contact your ResidentAssistant (RA) on your floor or Residence Coordinator(RC)
for your building
Whodo I contact for help with a roommate problem?
Contact your Resident Assistant (RA) on yourfloor or Residence Coordinator (RC)
for your building
What do I do if I have a maintenance issue in mycampus
apartment orResidence Hall?
Contactyour Resident Assistant (RA) on your floor or Residence Coordinator(RC)
for your building
17 I.D. Card/Bearbucks Card(校园卡)
Where do I get a student I.D. card?
BearCard Center (Bernard 208), 450-5818,bearcard@uca.edu
Where do I go if my card isn’t working or is lost?
BearCard Center (Bernard 208), 450-5818, bearcard@uca.edu (Call assoon as
possible if lost!)
Howdo I put money (Bearbucks) on my card?
Go to the BearCard Center or through the DiningServices website or channel in
18 International Programs/Study Abroad(国际项目/出国留学)
Where do I learn about Study Abroad opportunities?
Study Abroad Office (Irby 102) or website
19 Internships(实习)
Howdo I obtain an internship?
Career Services/Cooperative Education (Bernard 318); some academicprograms also
offer internships – contactyour major or minor department
20 Lost and Found(失物招领)
Whodo I call for lost or found property?
Student Center Information Desk; buildings mayalso have a designated office if
you inquire
21 Major(专业/主修科目)
Howdo I change my major?
Login to myUCA and visit the Academic Advising Center channel locatedunder
the "My UCA" tab.Click on the "Change your Majoror Minor" link
22 Medical Assistance(医疗救助)
Where can I seek medical attention?
Student Health Services (Student Healthbuilding);appointments must be made
Medical emergencies: dial911.
23 Parking(停车)
Where do I get a parking decal?
UCA Police Department (see website for information andmaps)
Where do I appeal a parking ticket?
UCA Police Department (see website for information andmaps)
Where do I find information on where I can park?
UCA Police Department (see website for information andmaps)
Welcome Week: PD/Parking tags in McCastlainBallroom!
24 Public Safety-Security(公共安全)
Howdo I report an emergency?
Contact UCA Police at 9-1-1 (for emergenciesonly), or at 450-3111 or through the
blue emergency phone stationson campus for otherservices
Whodo I call for a police escort to my caror
ContactUCA Police at 9-1-1 (for emergencies only), or at 450-3111 orthrough the
blue emergency phone stationson campus for otherservices
What do I do if I lock my keys in my car or mycar
Contact UCA Police at 9-1-1 (for emergencies only), or at 450-3111or through the
blue emergency phone stationson campus for otherservices
Howdo I sign up for the UCAAlert System?
Login to myUCA and go to Resources tab; follow instructions forupdating
information forUCAAlert
25 Recreation(运动休闲)
Where can I work out on campus?
See myUCA or www.uca.edu and “HPER Center” or “Recreation” forinformation on
working out orswimming.
Isthere a swimming pool on campus?
The campus pool is located in FarrisHall.
26 Religious Services/Organizations(宗教服务/宗教组织)
What services are held on campus?
Contact the Student Life Office (Student Center 207) or see thelist of
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) online
What churches are in Conway?
Consult telephone directory or www.yellowpages.com/conway-ar/churches
27 Scholarships(奖学金)
Whocan answer questions about scholarships?
State or Private scholarships: Financial Aidoffice (450-3140);
UCA Academic Scholarships: Enrollment Management(450-3125)
28 Testing Services(测试服务)
Howdo I test out of a course?
Consult the Undergraduate Bulletin(online)
Whodo I contact to take the Compass Exit Exams for
University Testing Services (Torreyson West 315;450-3209)
29 Textbooks(课本)
Where do I buy/sell textbooks?
University Bookstore, Student Center
30 Transcripts(成绩单)
Where can I get an official transcript?
Office of the Registrar (McCastlain Hall; or online),450-5200
Where can I get an unofficial transcript (academic
myUCA, Self-Service
31 Tutoring(辅导)
Howdo I get a tutor?
See “Academic Assistance” above
32 Verification of Enrollment(注册确认)
Where do I obtain verification of enrollment for
auto/health insurance orother purposes?
Office of the Registrar (McCastlain Hall), 450-5200