1.Any person or entitypurchasing tickets to dancingshow agrees to bebound by these terms and condions. DANCING SHOW (the “Management”)reserve the right to amend, delete, and/or add to these T&Cwithout prior notice at its sole and absolute discretion. The MacauLaw shall govern these T&C and all purchasers of tickets and/orpatrons agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Macaucourts.
2. The ticket ispurchased for the show and session as specified on the tickets butthe date and time of the show may be subject to change. In suchinstance, there is no obligation to refund or exchange the tickets.All tickets sold are subject to the Management’s right to cancel,alter and/or reschedule the performance, add, withdraw orsubstitute artists, vary advertised programs, change the prices,venues or audience capacity.
3. All ticket salesare final. All completed and confirmed transactions cannot becancelled, and are non-refundable and non-exchangeable for anyreason. The Management cannot be held responsible for any lost,stolen or destroyed tickets.
4. Tickets shouldonly be purchased directly from Management authorized saleschannels and official ticket agents. Any person holding a ticketthat is acquired through a non-authorized sales channel such asresold tickets will be refused admission to theshow.
5. Tickets may onlybe used by the holder to gain admission to the relevant show andmay not be resold or offered for resale at any price in excess ofthe initial purchase price (whether through online auction sites orotherwise) or be used for or in connection with advertising,promotion or other commercial purposes (including withoutlimitation to competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance thedemand for other goods or services, either by the original buyer orany subsequent bearer, unless authorized by the Management. TheManagement reserves the right to cancel any tickets that have beenresold and to deny any such customer entry to the show without arefund.
The Management shallnot be liable for any complaints, claims, refunds, or exchange forany reason and shall not be deemed to be in breach of theseT&C. Neither is Management liable for any delay ornon-performance which is due to any cause beyond its reasonablecontrol, or for any costs incurred other than the cost of thetickets.
6. One person perticket regardless of age. Persons purchasing, claiming orcollecting purchased tickets are required to present their validphoto ID, confirmation number, the credit card used for purchaseand/or relevant confirmation documents (ifapplicable).
Children under theage of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Persons under 18years of age should seek parental consent before buyingtickets.
Children under 6years of age are not recommended to attend theshow.
7. Paper andelectronic tickets are printed with unique reference numbers andsecurity features. Holders of any other ticket type will be refusedadmission to the show and may face prosecution.
The Managementreserves the right to cancel or modify redemptions where it appearsthat a customer has engaged in fraudulent or inappropriate activityor the redemptions contain or are resulted from a mistake orerror.
The Managementreserves the right to refuse admission to the show and theater anddetermine the time and manner in which customers are to beadmitted. For example, latecomers may be refused admission until asuitable break in the show as determined by theManagement.
8. Travel to and fromthe venue is the sole responsibility of the customer. No refund andexchange will be permitted due to the alteration, late arrival,unavailability, postponement or cancellation of travel services byland, air or sea.
9. Customersattending the show do so at their own risk. The customervoluntarily assumes all risk and danger incidental to the showwhether occurring before, during or after the show. The Managementis not responsible for any loss, damage, personal injury, liabilityor death so caused (unless such death or personal injury was causedby negligence of the Management). The customer assumes all risksand liabilities for any medical conditions associated withattending the show. The Management shall bear no liability for anypersonal injuries, health problems or death sustained at a show,whether it is directly or indirectly resulting from any existingmedical condition of the customer.
10. The Managementreserves the right to alter the seat allocation by providingalternative seats to those specified on the ticket without priornotice. If this is necessary for any reason, the Management willreimburse any reduction in value between the original and alteredseat allocation.
11. For securitypurposes and upon request, the customer may be subject toinspection and for these purposes must open any bag, package orother item which is in his or her possession before entering thetheater. Customers who do not agree to be searched may be deniedentry or ejected from the premises.
As per the law ofMacau, smoking is not permitted in the theater.
All mobile phones,portable communication devices or any other electronic equipmentshould be disabled when inside the theater to avoid disturbing theperformance.
12. The Managementreserves the right to refuse admission to any person whose conductis disorderly or inappropriate or who poses a threat to security orto the enjoyment of the show without refund or compensation.Customers who cause a disturbance, act inappropriately or refuse tocomply with requests made by the Management will be evicted fromtheater without any refund or compensation.
13. Customers mustabide by and follow all public announcements, directions, warningsor regulations in relation to the entry to and remaining within thetheater.
Unauthorizedsoliciting, selling of goods and tickets or customer survey isprohibited.
Customers accept therisk of getting wet when seated on the first few rows. No requestsfor compensation will be entertained.
The show containsstrobe lighting, loud audio effects and motorbike stunts. TheManagement will not be held liable for any health issues directlyresulting from attending the show at the theater.
14. The followingrestricted / prohibited items are not permitted in thetheater:
Outside food orbeverage, glass bottles, cans and alcoholic beverages (except thosepurchased at the theater),long handled umbrellas, large bags andluggage,pets (only service animals are permitted),aerosol cans,firearms, fireworks, laser pointers,knives or other dangerousweapons,banners, flags and metal flag poles,whistles and any noisemakers,confetti or shredded paper,any item or restricted objectdeemed by the management to be dangerous orinappropriate
Throwing objects,uses of lighting sources such as laser pointers, flash photographyor similar devices are strictly prohibited.
No film cameras,video cameras or recording devices of any kind and in any formatsuch as mobile phones with video recording devices incorporatedwill be allowed in the theater. Recording of the show, either viaimage, sound or both is strictly prohibited. Unauthorizedrecordings will be confiscated and deleted.
Customers must beappropriately clothed and must wear shoes. Customers notappropriately clothed and/or with bare feet will not be permittedentry.
15. The Managementwill not be liable for any delay or cancellation due to any forcemajeure such as power failure, fire, explosion, flood, typhoonSignal No. 8 and above, storm or similar disasters, strikes,industrial disputes, abnormally inclement weather, war,insurrection, riot, civil disturbance, acts or threats ofterrorism, act of God, communicable disease outbreaks, industrialaction, acts or regulations of national or local governments,governmental order or decrees, or any other cause beyond itsreasonable control.
16. Without prejudiceto Clause 5 & 27, for any show cancelled, the Management shallonly be responsible for refunding the cost of ticket(s) or exchangeyour tickets at the same price, whether the tickets are purchasedas part of any travel package or not (options to be determined bythe Management). Customers may be offered seats at alternativeperformances (subject to availability and Management’s decision) upto the cost of ticket(s). Refunds via original purchasingcredit/debit cards will be processed within 30 working days. TheManagement shall have no further liability to customers beyond theface value of the ticket purchased. Any refund shall be made to theholders of the authorized / valid tickets only.
17. Complimentarytickets are not eligible for cash refunds. In the event ofcancellation or postponement of a performance, holders ofcomplimentary tickets should contact the department that hasoffered the ticket for an exchange of ticket.
The English versionof these Terms and Conditions shall prevail wherever there is adiscrepancy between the English and the Chineseversions.