How to promotesales?
1. Launch a Web site. Web sites provide your company withworldwide exposure and give your customers convenient access toyour services and products.
2. Host a grand opening or hold a reception.Invite local business owners and residents from surroundingneighborhoods. Provide refreshments, free merchandise samples, andhave plenty of business cards and company brochures onhand.
3. Monitor the quality of your services andproducts constantly. Satisfied customers who spread the word aboutyour business are the best source of new customers. Pay attentionto pricing, customer service, product availability and promptdelivery.
4. Explore various types of traditionaladvertising methods such as classified ads, yellow page ads,television and radio, and display ads in magazines and on other Websites.
5. Distribute fliers and business cards doorto door, place them under car windshield wipers and tack them tolocal apartment, college and community center bulletinboards.
6. Participate in trade shows, attendcommunity events and offer to speak on your area of expertise atseminars.
7. Give existing customers a small gift ordiscounts toward future purchases in return for referring newcustomers. Offer special discounts for new customers.

1.启动 Web 站点。网站为贵公司提供全球的宣传,并让您的客户方便地访问到您的服务和产品。
2.主持一个隆重的开业典礼或招待会。 邀请本地业务负责人和周围社区的居民。提供茶点、免费商品样品,及有足够的名片和公司的小册子。
4.探索各种类型的传统广告方法如分类广告、 黄页广告、电视和电台,并在杂志和其他的网站上显示广告。
5门到门.分发传单和名片、 将它们放置在汽车挡风玻璃的刮水器并将它们钉在本地公寓、大学和社区中心布告栏上。
7. 给现有的客户一份小礼物或折扣,来换取推荐新客户购买产品。 为新的客户提供特别优惠。