I'm not thatnaive我真不是那么幼稚
I'm just out tofind只不过是跑出去寻找
The better part ofme更好的自己
I'm more than a bird...I'm more than a plane我比飞鸟、飞机都要强
More than some pretty face beside atrain甚至于火车那边的俊俏的脸庞

It's not easy to be me 但是我也不是那么容易!
Wish that I could cry真希望自己能趴在膝盖上大哭
Fall upon myknees大哭一场
Find a way tolie找个由头扯个谎
About a home I'll never see 就说那个我从没见过的家
It may sound absurd...but don't be nieve听起来好像听荒谬,但请别那么幼稚好吗?
Even Heroes have the right tobleed 就算是英雄也有受伤流血的权利啊!
I may be disturbed...but won't you concede 我可能有点失态, 但是你能承认吗?
Even Heroes have the right todream 就算英雄也有权利渴望梦想啊!
It's not easy to be me真的,我也不是那么容易!
Up, up and away...away fromme 向上飞啊!飞啊!远离那个自己!!
It's all right...you can all sleep sound tonight这就好了,今晚能睡的很香了,
I'm not crazy...or anything... 我并不是疯了或怎么了
I can't stand tofly就是不想在这么瞎飞了。
I'm not thatnaive我真的不是那么幼稚
Men weren't meant to ride 人,可不是意味着有腾云驾雾的能耐
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet 我就是一个披着可笑的红色床单的笨蛋
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street在单行道上满街寻找“可怕的”外星生物!
Only a man in a funny red sheet只是一个披着可乐的红床单的傻瓜
Looking for special things inside of me在内心深处寻找些自己不一样的东西
inside of me,inside of me,inside of me 在我心深处,深处。
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet我就是一个披着可笑的红色床单的笨蛋Only a man looking for herdream一个追寻“她”的梦的男人
It's not easy to beme唉,我也不容易啊……