发布时间:2018年04月10日 18:38:20分享人:未曾糹坙来源:互联网9
截至2012年11月5日,共计有效评价51条,现总结如下:1孙灿:很努力,积极进取型女强人的心,又是大美女 hardworking, aggressive, iron lady and abeauty2李卓嘉:效率 effective3刘明:才气四溢 talented4邹游:很有亲和力,认真负责,处理事情又得体,还多才多艺,必然是最合适的人选啊! affinity, responsible, handle thingsappropriately, your best choice!5倪璐雯:乐观,积极,美女一枚啊 optimistic, active, such a beauty6陈佳祺:excellent team player7张雯琳:很有气场,但同时又非常好相处,有责任心有能力! strong aura, easy-going,responsible, great ability8施章苗:性格开朗,有责任心 out-going, responsible9黄蔚:随和,有能力,面面俱到,无所不能,气质美女! easy-going, talented, take care of everything,such a beauty with elegant temperament10张雪颖:英文好,口才更好,气场绝对强大! great English and presentationability, strong aura11孙奥博:好!妥妥的 Fabulous for sure!12赵默怡:excellent!13张露笛:牛人,真心觉得什么都好呢,德智体美全面发展,哈哈,词穷了啊 Genius,all-round developmentof morality, intelligence, physique and aesthetic14王敏:装得起嫩,卖得起萌,走得了玉女小清新,扮得起职场女强人,未来的CEO助理。I will always bewith you darling she can be young and cute, also can beprofessional, the future CEO assistant15石雪:很有能力哦,看好你! skilled lady, I think highly of you!16王一菁:她是什么Style?没有Style才是她真正的Style!女王、萝莉、卖萌、学术、策划、演讲、翻译样样在行!选王维嘉没错的! What is her style? No style is her real style!Strong aura, cute, professional, planning, presentation,translation, interpretation, everything!She is your bestchoice!17张天渝:才女 talented lady18陆云亭:做事认真负责,效率极高,善于沟通,自信充满正能量的新世纪女强人! highly effective,communicative, confident, full of positive energy!19黄珍妮:外表美丽端庄,内心沉稳淡定。智慧与美貌的完美结合体,无事不晓,无所不通。是一颗冉冉升起的商业明星20陈慧敏:intelligent, gorgeous,个子高,长得美,口才好,能力强21董佳程:无论从形象气质,沟通能力,策划能力,执行力,王维嘉都是最佳人选! no matter her image orcommunication ability, scheduling ability, executive ability,she isyour best choice22闫梦雅:维嘉还是一如既往滴给力啊!赞一个! She is wonderful asalways!23张北帆:great!形象好气质佳,能力出众气场强,就是hold住!都是掏心的中肯评论啊! fabulous image, eleganttemperament, outstanding ability, strong aura, she can handleeverything!All of these are from my true heart!24张潘杰:fantasy & perfect25彭格:认识维嘉第四年了,不论是长相,能力,还是人品都无可挑剔。她细心,有耐心,交际能力强,经常为别人着想。要是有她当助理,对外长面子,对内更是省心。 This is the fourth year I know her, no matter herappearance, ability or characters are impeccable. She is attentive,patient, communicative, she thinks for others all the time. If youhad her as assistant, you gain credit and save trouble.26马宇海:温柔可人,微笑是那么有亲切感,一个笑容就拉近了距离,真心好! gentle and nice, warm smile!Her smile solves allthe problems!27张放:必须赞王维嘉! She is awesome!28邵帅:维嘉姐形象气质俱佳,沟通能力与执行能力极强,一定可以的! Fabulous appearance and elegant temperament,excellent communicative ability and executive ability, she can makeit!29王帅:草木春秋,人生一世,遇见维嘉是一首美丽的诗。自信而又可亲的微笑,如午后最暖的阳光。不扭捏不做作,总是落落大方地待人处事,仿佛清风,带给人最清新的感受。做知己朋友,是最好的倾诉对象;做合作伙伴,是最佳的拍档,多才多艺的你给我的生活带来了诸多欢声笑语。如果可以,我愿意把所有最美好的词汇用来修饰你。 Knowing her is like a beautiful poem. Confidentand warm smile, just like the afternoon sunshine; she handlesthings and people with positive attitude, just like soft wind,brings people comfortable feelings.She is the best friend, bestlistener, best partner. Her talent brings joyment to my life. Iwould love to describe you with the most beautiful words in theworld!30张君浩:魅力女神! Charming!31蒋亚婷:赞! Awesome!32李鑫:气场总是很强大 Always strong aura33闫静:王维嘉是一个内外兼修的好同学,不仅有气质,而且思维敏捷,创造力极强,经常做手工艺品等,她做的小桔灯至今印象深刻。另一方面组织协调能力很棒,在策划活动的过程中充分展现了她的潜力。维嘉为人和善,在人际交往方面展现了突出的才能,是作为助理的不二人选。加油! She is a person with both inner and outsideability. She is smart, creative and she has great oprationability.Besides, she has excellent organize ability, greatpotential in planning and scheduling. She is a nice person,talented in communication, she is your best choice as anassistant!34贺伟源:王维嘉以前是我的学姐,后来是我同学,我是看着这厮从高中生蜕变为大学生的,不得不说,维嘉同学本身就已经具备很高的素质和能力,在高中的时候就已经具有大学生范,进入大学后,更是在各种舞台上看到她,作为同一个高中、省份的,真心为这样的同学和朋友以及老乡感到骄傲。优秀的外语能力,友善的处世态度以及优雅的气质和她的细心周到足以让她胜任CEO助理这个职位,支持! She has excellent ability,I've seen her wonderful performance on all kinds of stages. As herschoolmate in high school and her home fellow, I'm so proud ofher!Her excellent English, nice attitude and elegant performance,her attentive thoughts make her your best choice as CEOassistant!35王萌:沟通能力好,气质形象好,团队意识较强,善于总结学习 Excellent communication ability, fabulous image,great team player,especially a fast learner36王宸:性格活泼开朗,能说能干,为人大方。宽厚仁道,平易近人,深得同学喜欢 out-going, good at presentation and praticalworking, nice and kind, generous and warm-hearted, deeply loved byher schoolmates37范嘉琳:维嘉同学能力突出,乐于助人,最重要的是她会是最漂亮的助理! She has outstanding ability,glad to help others, what's more important, she will be themost pretty assistant!38刘颖:还是想说,维嘉同学是我认识的同学中气场最强大的,祝你成功哦! She is the most professionaliron lady I've ever seen, wish her luck!39阿力木江:怎么说呢,听到已经入围的消息,真心为她感到开心。我个人觉得她的Style就是职场,正规,还有协和。在国外的学习这段时间她已经充分的理解和学习到了中西方文化之间的差异和共同点,她同样也是一个文化的传播者,和她在一起的时候你可以了解到各种各样的信息。最重要的是,她乐于助人,也很乐意去做事情。所以,助理这一事,应该她会做的很完美。因为基本的做人做到位了,一切都不在话下。助理,非她莫属。维嘉,加油吧! I'm reallyhappy to hear that she got the final interview chance. I think herstyle is professional, business, and harmony. Her experience abroadgave her excellent understanding of cross-culture communicationbetween different cultures, she is also a culture broadcaster. Youcan learn so much information being with her. Most important, sheis glad to help others, and she would do the work with joyment. Shewould be perfect as an assistant. Because if you learned how to bea person, you can do any work. She would be the assistant, Ibelieve!40程涛:王维嘉学姐端庄大方,善良智慧,聪慧可人,为居家旅行必备伙伴! She is elegant, nice, smart, bute, she would beyour best partner!41李泉成:王维嘉聪明伶俐! She is so smart!42姚晓凤:王维嘉同学气质出众,做事有条理,在海外的学习经历不仅使得她更加独立成熟,而且也提升了英语水平,跨文化交流能力得到充分实践,身为她的同学,曾与她共同完成老师布置的学习项目,发现了她做事的细致和沉着,沟通协调及组织能力都很强,相信她一定可以胜任CEO助理这份工作! She has outstandingtemperament, she is organized, her oversea experience made her moreindependent and more mature, and strengthened her English and hercross-culture communication ability. As her classmate, I had workedwith her in a project, I found that she is attentive, careful andcalm, she has great cross-culture communication ability andorganization ability, I believe she is qualified for this CEOassistant job!43王雪婷:王维嘉是个平易近人的好学姐! She is a nice and kindperson!44黄端:王维嘉同学做事认真,待人热情真诚,做人做事都得到了老师和同学的高度认可。她有很强的适应能力和与人沟通的能力,这份工作非常适合她。 She is careful, kind andsincere, she got highly praised by her teachers and classmates. Shehas highly adaptation ability and communication ability, she isqualified for this job.45李松涛:聪明可爱,活泼伶俐,不失细腻。做助理再好不过了。 Cute and smart, out-going anda fast learner, the best choice as assistant46项欢欢:认识维嘉,是在上海电视节电影节的志愿者服务活动中。当时她作为外宾接待的志愿者,需要全程陪同特邀外宾。聪明伶俐,做事干练,是我对维嘉的第一印象。之后又胜任上海摩英教育助教,出色的外语水平和领导力得到了老师同学的认可。总之,支持、力挺维嘉,希望她越走越远啦! I first met her in ShanghaiInternational Film Festival and TV Festival, she was a volunteer,accompanied oversea guests. Smart, effective and a fast learner isthe first impression I had. After that, she did a great job inModern Elite English Summer Camp as English teaching assistant, gothighly praised by her teachers and students. All in all, I give hermy best wishes!47朱源:曾当过助教,工作认真负责,性格活泼开朗,自信大方,非常有气场! Did a great job as teaching assistant,responsible, out-going, confident!48陈春凤:气场强大的女王! Strong aura!49张嘉玥:维嘉是个很会照顾人,有主见,做事认真的女生,不管她做什么都会做的很完美的,跟她一起共事是一件很开心的事! She is a thoughful, indepent,careful girl. She would do everything perfectly. It is really ajoyful experience to work with her!50苏赛:王维嘉同学勤奋认真,积极进取,工作方面雷厉风行没的说~还是个好朋友,幽默开朗又贴心!认识你10年多啦,虽然离得很远,心却很近! She is hard-working andactive, highly effective without doubt. And she is a best friend,she is funny and sweet!I've known her for 10 years, even if we'refar away from each other, but we feel close!51李丹琳:维嘉是个勤奋认真,做事有主见有规划,善于交流合作,为人大度,生活态度积极向上的实力派! She ishard-working, independent, cooperative, nice and kind, she has aactive attitude and she is a person with realstuff and power!
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