It + be的适当形式+ 被强调部分+ that / who +其他
It may be at the party that Tomknew her.
It must be John that/who will takepart in the contest on behalf of our class.
翻译时常加上“正是…… ; 就是……”等字眼,以突出其强调的含义。
1. 在强调句中含有not until句型时,用下列句型:
It was not until + 短语/句子 + that….. that后的句子要用肯定句,且须用陈述语序。
①It was not until 250 years laterthat they formed a single state.
②It was not until he realized itthat I told him.
③It was not until midnighttheyreached the camp site.
A.thatB.whenC.whileD. as
④ It was not until this momentwhen I considered myself truly different that my writing acquired avoice. 正是当我考虑到自己真正与别人不同时,我才获得了写作的灵感。
⑤ It was not until she took offher dark glasses that I recognized she was a famous filmstar.
⑥It is ________that I left forQingdao.
A. until he camebackB. not until he came back
C. that he camebackD. not that he came back(key: B)
I didn’t leave for Qingdao untilhe came.
Not until he came did I leave forQingdao.
It is not until he came back thatI left for Qingdao.
2. 强调主语:① It’s actually thesimpler uses of a camera phone ______ the most interesting. Theycould make photographers of us all!
A. that areB.which areC.that isD.which is
(主语是the simpler uses,是复数,所以要特别小心。)
② _____ is it _____ has made Tom_____ he is today?
A. What, that , thatB.That, that, what
C. What, what, thatD. What,that, what(AD)
3. 强调状语从句:
① It was ______ my teacher worked_______ I work hard.
A. where; thatB.where; where
C. that ; thatD.that; where (key: A)
(该句原为一个带地点状语从句的主从复合句:I work hardwhere my teacher worked. 状语从句一经被强调,此句即显得复杂。必须要有还原的本领。要领就是去掉It wasthat这三个词即可。)
②It was ______ the teacherlectured in class _______ that student spoke loudly.
A. when,that B. when,when
C. that , thatD.that, when(key: A)
③强调原因状语时,只能用because, 不用as, since,for等。
It was because I could speakEnglish that I got the job.
It was because he was ill that hewas absent.
It was because Li Ping was illthat she didn’t come to school last week.
4. 强调含有定语从句的主语、宾语或状语。
It was in the factory whereI worked 或that/ which I visited that I met myold friend.
Was it at the school which wasnamed after a hero that he spent his childhood?
5. 强调含有not…but..; not only…, butalso…;either …or…; neither…nor…; as well as ;等词组所构成的句子。
①And I think it isnot only what we “look at once, in childhood” thatdetermines our memories, but who, in that childhood, looks atus.(2008浙江完型)
②Between the two generations,it is often not their age, _________ their educationthat causes misunderstanding.(07全国Ⅰ)
A.likeB.asC.orD. but
③It was neither you nor he that iswilling to go to the Great Wall.
④It was he as well as hisclassmates who has ever been to Suzhou.
6. 强调句型与定语从句的关系: ① It is the veryplace _______ the anti-Japanese soldiers fought over sixty yearsago.
A.which B. thatC.where D. there
② It is in the very place______the anti-Japanese soldiers fought over sixty yearsago.
A. whichB.that C. whereD.there
③. It is on a winter night _______his wife left him without
saying goodbye.
A.which B. thatC.when D. inwhich
④ It is a winter night _______ hiswife left him without saying goodbye.
A. whichB.that C. whenD. inwhich (key: CBBC)
7. 疑问句形式
Was ______student ______was caughtsmoking in the classroom?
A. it that, thatB.that it, it C. it it,thatD. it which, that (key: A)
①. ________ he got up?
A. When was that itB. Was it when that
C. When was itthat D. Was that when it (key:C)
②. Where is it that he picked thewallet?
③. What was it that hedid?
④. Who was it that hetaught?
⑤. Which/Whose student is it thatyou referred to?
I don’t know _______ that you stayhere.
A. how long it isB.how long is it
C. it is howlongD. is it how long(key: A)
1. 区别强调句型与定语从句:
It is in theplace that he was born. (强调句型)
It is theplace that/ which he was born in.(定从)
It is the place in which/where hewas born.(定从)
2. 区别强调句型与同位语从句
It is a factthat he has lost the game by one score. (同位语从句)
It is the factthat has made us unhappy.
3. 区别强调句型与since句型
It was ten yearsago that I began to learn English.
It is ten yearssince I began to learn English.
Is it a long time _______ hisfather left home?
A.sinceB.thatC.whenD. what
比较:Wasit a long time ago that his father lefthome?
It is hours that he spends onEnglish every day.(用一般现在时)
That was really a splendidevening. It' s years ____ I enjoyed myself so much. (安徽05)
A.when B.that C.before D.since
4. 区别强调句型与before句型
It was ten yearsbefore he came back from abroad.
It was ten yearslater that he came back from abroad.
--- How long do you think it willbe ______ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?
--- Perhaps twoor three years. (06福建)
A.when B.until C. thatD. before
5. 区别强调句型与when +状从
It was 3 hoursago that he left.
It was 3 o’clockwhen he left.
It was four o’clock in theafternoon when he and his grandfather reached themuseum in Guanghan, where an official warmly receivedthem.
—Did Jack come back early lastnight?
—Yes. It was notyet eight o’clock ____ he arrived home. (福建05 )
A. beforeB.when C.thatD.until
用that, since, when, before填空:
It was 7 days before herealized that the accident had happened.
It was Sunday when theaccident happened.
It was 7 days ago that theaccident happened.
It is 7 days since theaccident happened.
1. ____ that caused him to servedinner an hour later than usual.
A. It was we beinglateB. It was our being late
C. It was we were toolateD. It was because we were late
2. “How was ______ they discoveredthe entrance to the underground palace?” “Totally bychance.”
A. itthatB.he that
C. itwhenD.he which
3. _____ was very ______ thatlittle Jim wrote the letter.
A. It,carefulB.It, carefully
C. He,carefulD.He, carefully
4. “Where did you find theprofessor who made the speech yesterday?” “It was in the hall______ the students often have a meeting.”
分析:假若选C,即有 It was in the hall thatthe students often have ameeting,该句的意思是“学生们通常是在大厅开会”,单独看这一句,无论是其意思还是其语法均未错,但若将其与上文联系起来看,则不通,因为上文的意思是“你是在哪儿找到昨天作报告的那位教授的?”假若将答句改为It was in the hall that I found the professor,则完全可以。
其实,此题的最佳答案是A,where the studentsoften have a meeting 为定语从句,用以修饰其前的名词 thehall,句意为“是在学生们经常开会的那个大厅(找到教授的)”,这样语意就通顺了。
---Where did you get to knowher?
--- It was in the farm ___ weworked.
A. that(选A答非所问) B.thereC. whichD. where
5. It was what he meant ratherthan what he said ______ annoyed me.
A.whichB.asC.whatD. that
6. It was in the small house______ was built with stones by his father ______ he spent hischildhood.
A. which,thatB.that, which
C. which,whichD.that, where
7. Was it five o’clock ______thefire broke out?
A. whenB.thatC.whichD. in which
8. “Was it under the tree _____you were away talking to a friend?” “Sure. But when I got backthere, the bike was gone.
A.thatB.whereC.whichD. while
9. It’s more than half a century_____ my grandfather joined the Party and became a servant to thepeople.
A.whenB.thatC. sinceD.while
10. It was lack of money, not ofeffort, _____ defeated their plan.
A.whichB. as C.thatD.what
11.—Who are making so much noisein the garden?
—_______ the children.
A. ItisB. They are C. ThatisD. There are
谁在花园里发出这么大的声音?是孩子们发出的。(回答为强调句型在具体语境中的省略,其完整形式应是:Itis the children who / that are making so much noise in the garden.不能用They are.
12. It is _______ he often failsin exams ______ makes his parents worried about him.
A. what;thatB. that; whatC. that; thatD./ ; that
13. It is the protection for thetrees _______ really matters, rather than how many trees areplanted.
A.whatB.that C.不填D. which
14. It is _____ my father worked_____ I work now.
A. where,thatB.where, when C. that,whereD. that, that
15. Was _____ that I saw lastnight at the concert?
A. it youB.not you C.youD. that you
16. It was ten o’clock _____ hecame back home.
A. whenB.thatC.sinceD. after
17. It was not until he came back_____ he knew the police were looking for him.
A.whichB.sinceC. thatD.before
1.It ______ we had stayed togetherfor a couple of weeks _____ found we had a lot incommon.
A. was until;whenB. was until; that
C. wasn’t until;when D. wasn’t until;that
2. It was after he got what he haddesired _______ he realized it was not so important.
A.thatB.whenC.sinceD. as
3. --- Did Jack come back earlylast night?
--- Yes. It wasnot yet eight o’clock ____ he arrived home.
A.beforeB.whenC.thatD. until
4. ____ is no possibility ____ Bobcan win the first prize in the match.
A. There;that B. It;that C.There;whetherD. It; whether
5. Was it ____ the professorregarded as the brightest ones?
A. themthat B. theythat C. themwhich D. theywhom
6. ____ you were born?
A. Was it wherethatB. It was where that
C. Where itwasthatD. Where was it that
7. ______ she realized it was toolate to go home. How hardworking she was!
A. It was notuntil darkthatB. Hardly did it grow dark when
C. No sooner itgrew darkthanD. Scarcely had it grown dark than
8. It was evening ____ we reachedthe little town of Winchester.
A.that B.untilC.sinceD. before
9. It was in 1949 ____ thePeople’s Republic of China was found.
A.that B.when C. inwhichD. which
10. It wasn’t until nearly a monthlater ___ I received the manager’s reply.
A.sinceB.whenC. as D.that