She has no brother norsister.
There are no beggars in NewChina.
There is no need to hurryhim.
He's feeling no worsetoday.
I shall trouble you nofurther today.
All were present at themeeting.(主语)
They were all present at themeeting.(they的同位语)
We all agree to put off themeeting till Saturday.(we的同位语)
All of them have pledgedthemselves to finish their work ahead of schedule.(主语)
I have forgotten all aboutit.(宾语)
That's all I have.(表语)
All boys like to readdetective stories.(定语)
All the people are cheeringloudly.(定语,如果名词前有定冠词the,则all必须在the之前)
All I know is that his fatherused to be an army officer.
All agree that Mary did agood job.
All are welcome.
Everyone is allright.一切都很好
There are trees all along theroad.沿路都有树。
It ended all toosoon.结束得太早了。
I feel all the better for thewalk.散步之后我觉得好些了。
none(无人或无物):none的含义和all相反,和no one, notany同义,但其用法相当于名词。指不可数名词时,它后面用动词单数;指可数名词时,它后面可用动词复数,也可用动词单数。如:
None of the problems is(are)easy to solve.(主语)这些问题没有一个是容易解决的。
I konw none ofthem.(宾语)他们我一个都不认识。
It's none toogood.它并不怎么好。
I was none the worse forit.我并没有因此而感觉不好。

【注二】:all表示“三个或三个以上都”,none表示“三个或三个以上都不”、所以汉语的“我们(三人以上)都不去”,翻译成Noneof us will go。而不能说We all will not go或All of us will not go。又如:
All of us took part in thesports meet.我们都参加了运动会。
None of them went to townyesterday.他们昨天谁也没进城。