Watching the film makes me to think much more aboutmarriage. In my opinion,thehappiestmarriage is a combination of love and money, but true love is stillthe mostimportant. The marriage of Darcy andElizabeth is a good example. After undergoingmany setbacks, Darcy’s prideand Elizabeth’sprejudice eventually eliminates, the lovers finally get married.

Elizabeth is the Bennets’second daughter, an active,intelligent and distinct girl. She has a middle-class familybackground and has not been affected by the formal educationbelonging to those aristocratic young girls, so sheisn’t good at music andpainting, but she has read many books which make her knowledgeableand perceptive. The most important aspect is that she is a ladywith dignity and upbringing. Elizabeth is the ideal image for women as well as the mostcharismatic person in the film.
Darcy is a man with tall figure and good manner. He is handsome,rich and powerful. So he is the ideal husband of most girls. But hehas grown up in the surroundings with strongsense of power, so he is always selfish and pride and he has acritical look at each individual. So he looks down upon anyoneelse, except his filmily members. But something has changed whenDarcy meets Elizabeth. After Elizabeth’s refuseto get married with him, he begins to be aware of his ownshort-comings. He accepts Elizabeth’s criticism,andfaithfullycorrects the short comings and mistakes. He is no longer pride andhas a real love with Elizabeth.
Inthe film, when they first meet each other in the ball, I can tellsomething special in their eyes, and then I guess there will be astory between them. In fact, they are attracted by each other atthe first sight but even they don’t know itthemselves. At first, Darcy doesn’t put an eye on Elizabeth. Darcy says thatElizabeth is beautiful, but not enough to attract him. Comparedwith his friend, Mr. Bingley, he looks cool, unfriendly and lack ofenthusiastic. This makes others to think him as a pride man, so itis with Elizabeth. She begins to have prejudice onhim.
WhenElizabeth meets the handsome officer, Mr. Wickham, Wickham sayssomething bad of Mr. Darcy. What he says makes Elizabeth deeplybelieve that Darcy is not a good person, pride and selfish.What’s worse, Darcy advises Bingley that Jane is notfit for him. And doing so, makes Jane feel very sad. All thesethings are the reasons why Elizabeth misunderstands Darcy. So whenMr. Darcy can’t helpshowing his love to her, she refused him with sharp tongue.“You are the last personI’llmarry!”
Maybeit is fate; later Elizabeth meets Darcy when she is visitingDarcy’s house which he hardly comes back. What she hearsand what she sees show that Darcy is a kind person, not the prideman used to be in her mind. When she knows that Darcy helps Lydiato get married with Wickham, she changes her attitude to Mr. Darcyeventually. After undergoing many setbacks, the lovers finally getmarried. We can guess that they will live a happylife.
So itis with Jane and Bingley. They love each other at the first sight,but they are multi-blocked, after their departure, they miss eachother very much. At last, Bingley lays down his social status andto pursue his true love. Jane is the happiest girl in the world atthe moment Bingley asks down his social status and to pursue histrue love. Jane is the happiest girl in the world at the momentBingley asks her to get married with him.
Besides these two perfectly satisfactory marriages, thefilm tells us another two marriages, charlotte and Collin, Lydiaand Wickham. They both go to the extremes. Charlotte gets Marriedwith money, while Lydia get married with impulses.
Charlotte was born of humble parentageand very mediocre in every aspect. She is typical questionablegirl. In her attitude to marriage, what she needs is a stable lifethat she would not be exposed to the cold temperatures and suffershunger in the future. So she gets married with Collin, a richpriest. Such marriage without love is too practical, so it is akind of superficial marriage with happiness.
Lydia is an impulsive, credulous, narrow-minded girl. Soshe is easily taken in by Mr. Mickham’s sweatwords and honeyed phrases. Wickham comes down in the world becauseof misbehavior and gets into debt. And he believes that marriage isalso a way to approach the fortune. Lydia is just his tool to gainmoney. Such couple only seek having had experience but noteverlasting and unchanging. It is doomed to be atragedy.
Suchmarriages will never be happy. However, how can we fall in lovewith the right person and harvest a happy marriage? In my opinion,both money and love is important. Money is the basement. Since weare ordinary people, we need to eat, to dress, to live and so on.Money is the basement of marriage; however, itdoesn’t mean that we must get married with rich personsbut persons who can at least give you a security oflife.However, the most important aspect for a marriage is true love. Themarriage without love would eventually move toward disappointmentand suffering. True love can sweep away all the setbacks on the wayof marriage. Read love makes Elizabeth give up her prejudice andaccept Darcy again. And real love makes Darcy change the attitudeof being arrogant and wins Elizabeth’s heart and love. After undergoing so manysetbacks, they finally walk together. This is the power of love.Loves can really create miracles