In Hopes of Healthier Chickens, FarmsTurn to Oregano
By STEPHANIE STROM December31, 2012
STEPHANIE STROM报道2012年12月31日
FREDERICKSBURG, Pa. — The smell of oregano wafting from ScottSechler’s office is so strong that anyone visiting Bell & Evansthese days could be forgiven for wondering whether Mr. Sechler hasforsaken the production of chicken and gone into pizza.
宾夕法尼亚州弗雷德里克斯堡——斯科特·塞克勒(ScottSechler)办公室里散发出一股浓郁的牛至味道,也难怪每位前来Bell &Evans拜访的人都会琢磨塞克勒先生是否已经放弃养鸡转而改行做披萨饼了。
Oregano lies loose in trays and tied into bunches on tabletopsand counters, and a big, blue drum that held oregano oil stands inthe corner. “Have you ever tried oregano tea?” Mr. Sechler asked,mashing leaves between his broad fingers.
Off and on over the last three years or so, his chickens havebeen eating a specially milled diet laced with oregano oil and a touch of cinnamon. Mr.Sechler swears by the concoction as a way to fight off bacterialdiseases that plague meat and poultry producers without resortingto antibiotics, which some experts say can be detrimental to the humans who eat the meat. Products atBell &Evans, based in this town about 30 miles east of Harrisburg,have long been free of antibiotics, contributing to the company’sfinancial success as consumers have demanded purer foods.
Jessica Kourkounis for The New YorkTimes
在Bell &Evans农场饲养的小鸡吃的饲料中掺有牛至油。
But Mr. Sechler said that nothing he had used as a substitute inthe past worked as well as oregano oil.
“I have worried a bit about how I’m going to sound talking aboutthis,” he said. “But I really do think we’re on to somethinghere.”
Skeptics of herbal medicines abound, as any quick Internetsearch demonstrates. “Oil of oregano is a perennial one, advertisedas a cure for just about everything,” said Scott Gavura, apharmacist in Toronto who writes for the Web site Science-BasedMedicine. “But there isn’t any evidence, there are too manyunanswered questions and the only proponents for it are the onesproducing it.”
Nonetheless, Mr. Gavura said he would welcome a reduction in theuse of antibiotics in animals.
At the same time, consumers are growing increasinglysophisticated about the content of the foods that they eat.
Data on sales of antibiotic-free meat is hard to come by, butthe sales are a tiny fraction of the overall meat market. Sales inthe United States of organic meat, poultry and fish, which by lawmust be raised without antibiotics, totaled $538 million in 2011,according to the Organic Trade Association. By comparison, sales ofall beef that year were $79 billion.

Still, retailers like Costco, Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, aswell as some restaurant chains, complain that they cannot getenough antibiotic-free meat.
尽管如此,像Costco、Whole Foods和TraderJoe’s这样的零售商以及一些连锁饭店都在抱怨不含抗生素的肉产品的供应存在短缺现象。
Noodles& Company, a fast-growing chain of more than 300restaurants, recently added antibiotic-free pork to the choices ofingredients that customers can add to their made-to-order pastas.It ensured its supply by ordering cuts of meat that were not inrelatively high demand and by committing in advance to buy a year’sworth, said Dan Fogarty, its executive vice president formarketing.
成长迅速、拥有300多家连锁店的Noodles &Company公司最近在配料选项中增加了不含抗生素的猪肉,供客户们在点意大利面时选用。该公司市场营销执行副总裁丹·弗加提(DanFogarty)说,为确保供应,公司在订购时选择的是那些需求相对不高的部位的肉,并提前承诺购买一年的用量。
“We’re deliberately voting with our pocketbooks,” he said.
In a nationwide telephone survey of 1,000 adults in March, more than60 percent told the Consumer Reports National Research Center thatthey would be willing to pay at least 5 cents a pound more for meatraised without antibiotics.
3月,消费者报告国家调查中心(Consumer Reports National ResearchCenter)对美国1000名成人开展的电话调查显示,超过60%的受访对象愿意在购买不含抗生素的肉产品时为每磅肉至少多支付5美分。
“Before, it was kind of a nice little business, and while it’sstill microscopic in the grand scheme of things, we’re seeingacceptance from retailers across the country, not just inCalifornia and on the East Coast,” said Stephen McDonnell, founderand chief executive of Applegate, an organic and naturalmeats company.
Mr. McDonnell said a confluence of trends, from heightenedinterest in whole and natural foods to growing concerns aboutmedical problems like diabetes, obesity and gluten allergies, were contributing to the demand for antibiotic-freemeat.
There is growing concern among health care experts and policymakers about antibiotic resistance and the rise of “superbugs,”bacteria that are impervious to one or more antibiotics. Thosebacteria can be passed on to consumers, who eat meat infected withthem and then cannot be treated.
In November, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and25 national health organizations and advocacy groups issueda statement on antibiotics that, among other things, called for“limiting the use of medically important human antibiotics in foodanimals” and “supporting the use of such antibiotics in animalsonly for those uses that are considered necessary for assuringanimal health.”
11月,美国疾病预防和控制中心(Centersfor Disease Control andPrevention)联合25家全国性健康机构和倡导组织发表了有关抗生素的声明。该声明在提及其他事项的同时呼吁“在食用类动物的饲养中限制抗生素的使用”,并“支持在仅为确保动物健康的必要情况下使用此类抗生素。”
In 2011, there were several prominent recalls involvingbacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics, including morethan 60 million pounds of groundbeef contaminated with salmonella Typhimurium and about 36 million pounds of groundturkey spoiled with salmonella Heidelberg.
Consumer Reports released a studylast month that found the bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica in 69percent of 198 pork chop and ground pork samples bought at storesaround the country. Some of the bacteria were resistant to one ormore antibiotics.
Analysis of Food and Drug Administration data by the Center forScience in the Public Interest found that 80 percent of allantibiotics sold in the United States are used in animals. Themajority of those antibiotics are used to spur growth or preventinfections from spreading in the crowded conditions in which mostanimal production takes place today.
公共利益科学中心(Center for Science in the PublicInterest)通过对食品和药物管理局(Food and DrugAdministration)的数据进行分析后发现,在美国销售的所有抗生素中,有80%用在了动物身上。大部分这类抗生素都被用于促进生长或预防疾病的大规模爆发,而且如今,大部分的畜牧生产都是采用的这种大规模饲养。
The European Union has banned the use of antibiotics toaccelerate growth, and the European Parliament is pushing to endtheir use as tools to prevent disease as well.
The oregano oil product Mr. Sechler uses, By-O-Reg Plus, is madeby a Dutch company, Ropapharm International. Inthe late 1990s, Bayer conducted trials on the product, known asRopadiar in Europe, comparing its ability to control diarrhea in piglets caused by E. coli with that of four of thecompany’s products.
塞克勒所使用的牛至油产品By-O-Reg Plus由荷兰公司RopapharmInternational制造。在20世纪90年代末,德国拜耳公司(Bayer)对这种在欧洲被称为诺必达(Ropadiar)的产品进行了试验,比较它与拜耳公司的四种产品在治疗由大肠杆菌引起的腹泻时的效果。
In all four test groups, Ropadiar outperformed the Bayerproducts. “Strange but true!” Dr. Lucio Nisoli, the Bayer productmanager, wrote in his report on the trial. “Compared to the variousanti-infectives, with Ropadiar I have obtained much more effectiveand quicker results. Furthermore, piglets treated with Ropadiarlook much more healthy and were not so dehydrated and wasted.”
在全部4个试验组中,诺必达都超过了拜耳产品的疗效。拜耳产品经理卢西欧·尼索利博士(Dr. LucioNisoli)在他的试验报告中写道,“很奇怪,但确实是真的。与其他的多种抗感染药物相比,我发现诺必达的效果要更好而且疗效更快。此外,使用诺必达的小猪看起来更健康,显得脱水现象不那么严重,也不是特别虚弱。”
Astrid Köhler, a spokeswoman in Monheim, Germany, for BayerHealthcare’s animal health business, confirmed that the company haddone the trial but said that “in further evaluations the results ofthe first study could not be replicated with the same species, norwith other species.”
德国蒙海姆拜耳医疗保健部(Bayer Healthcare)动物健康业务发言人阿斯特里德·科勒(Astrid Köhler)证实了公司曾进行过该试验,但她说,“进一步的评估发现,第一次研究的结果并不能在同一种或其他种动物上再现。”
Other testing is rare. A test of oregano oil on four small farms in Maine, which wasfinanced by a $9,914 grant from the Agriculture Department, foundit was effective in controlling the parasites and worms thatafflict goats and sheep.
Dr. Harry G. Preuss, a professor of physiology and biology atthe Georgetown University Medical Center, studied the effectivenessof oregano oil on 18 mice infected with staph bacteria. Six micewere given oregano oil, and half survived for the full 30 days ofthe treatment. Six received carvacrol, regarded by many experts tobe the antibacterial component in oregano, in olive oil, and noneof them survived longer than 21 days. Six other mice received onlyolive oil and died within three days.
乔治城大学医学中心(Georgetown University MedicalCenter)生理学和生物学教授哈利·普鲁斯博士(Dr. Harry G.Preuss)对18只受葡萄球菌感染的老鼠进行了牛至油疗效测试。有6只老鼠服用了牛至油,在为期30天的治疗过后,有半数老鼠活了下来。有6只老鼠服用了香芹酚,很多专家认为这一物质是牛至油和橄榄油中的主要抗菌成分,但是没有一只老鼠活过21天。剩下的6只老鼠仅服用了橄榄油,3天后全部死亡。
The study, which was underwritten by a company, North AmericanHerb and Spice, and presented at a meeting of the American Collegeof Nutrition in 2001, was repeated and all those findings werecorroborated, Dr. Preuss said.
普鲁斯博士说,这一研究由北美草药和香料公司(North American Herb andSpice)资助,并于2001年在美国营养大学(American College ofNutrition)的一次会议上进行了公布。人们随后重复了这一实验,而所有这些发现也得到了证实。
Dr. Preuss said he had applied to the National Institutes ofHealth for financing of a larger study, with no luck so far. “Thisis really promising, particularly when you consider that we arefacing a crisis in our hospitals and health systems with theincreasing resistance to antibiotics,” he said.
普鲁斯博士说,他已向美国国立卫生研究所(National Institutes ofHealth)提交了经费申请,以开展更大规模的研究,但目前一直未获批。他说,“这项研究真的很有前途,尤其考虑到我们的医院和健康体系正面临着抗生素耐药性不断增加的危机。”
After hearing about Bell & Evans’s use of oregano oil, BobRuth, the president of Country View Family Farms, aPennsylvania-based company, decided to test it on some of his pigs.Over the last six months, about 5,000 pigs have eaten feed lacedwith By-O-Reg after being weaned from their mothers.
在听说Bell & Evans使用牛至油后,宾夕法尼亚州公司乡村风景家庭农场(Country View FamilyFarms)总裁鲍勃·鲁斯(BobRuth)决定让公司的部分猪试用牛至油。在过去的6个月当中,约有5000头猪在断奶后食用了掺有By-O-Reg产品的饲料。
“The preliminary results are encouraging, but we need to be sureit’s giving us the results we need to give us the confidence tostart using it more broadly,” Mr. Ruth said.
Mr. Ruth and Mr. Sechler warned that using oregano oil tocontrol bacterial infection also requires maintaining highstandards of sanitation in barns where animals are sheltered, aswell as good ventilation and light, and a good nutritionprogram.
After a chicken flock leaves a barn at Bell & Evans forslaughter, for instance, the facility is hosed down, its waterlines are cleaned out and everything is disinfected. It sits emptyfor two to three weeks to allow bacteria to die off and to ensurethat the rodents that carry salmonella and campylobacter areeliminated.
例如,在待屠鸡群离开Bell &Evans的鸡舍之后,公司会用水来冲洗设施,清扫供水线并对所有设备进行消毒。然后鸡舍会空置两到三周,为的是让细菌死亡,并确保彻底消灭携带沙门氏菌和弯曲菌的鼠类。
“You can’t just replace antibiotics with oregano oil and expectit to work,” Mr. Sechler said.