英语中的“how”并不完全等同于汉语中的“怎么”,它的搭配也跟汉语中“怎么”一词的搭配不一样。比如问“XXX用英语怎么说”,用“Howto say...”就很不地道,地道的说法应该是“HowDO YOU say…”或者更为正式的“HowDOES ONE say…”。另外,“周末过得怎么样”也不应当被翻译为“Howabout your weekend?”,而应该是“howWAS your weekend”或者“HowDID your weekend GO?”。总之,“how”这个词在不同语境中的搭配都不一样,不能从中文直译过来,要细心体察哦。
Monday: This week, I’d like to continue with a few more words andphrases that give Chinese speakers of Englishtrouble. This time I’d like to talk about a fewof the more common incorrect uses. Let’s watchBill in action:
Bill: Hey Lily! How about your weekend?
Lily: My weekend was good. I spent it studyingEnglish…
Okay, what is Bill doing incorrectly? “Howabout.” “How” is sometimes a difficult word forthe Chinese. The English word “how” does notalways work in the same ways as “怎么.”You need to pair “how” with different words than you would inChinese. For instance,“怎么说周末”will often be translated, even by people whose English is very goodas “How to say “weekend?” This is justwrong. You needanimpersonalconstructionhere, because what you are really asking is something like “How doEnglish speakers say this word?” So instead of saying “How to say‘weekend’?” say “How DO YOU say…” or (more formal) “how DOES ONEsay…”. Instead of “How about your weekend” use“how WAS your weekend” or “How DID your weekendGO?” Phrases with “how” don’t alwaysmakeintuitivesense,and you may have to learn them each individually.The phrase “how about” for instance, is asuggestion. This is how it’s used:
Lily: How about we go to a movie tomorrow, Bill?
Bill: Okay, that sounds good.
Sorry if this has been more confusing than helpful, but “how” canbe a difficult word to use correctly. Rememberwhat I’ve told you, and you will be okay.
Okay, that’s all for today! Come back tomorrowfor some more free advice. If you copy this postwithout my permission, you will ruin my weekend.